Am 03.02.2014 um 15:35 schrieb Jean-Louis Martineau:

> Newer version have a '-a' option that do not needs human interaction.

ah, I see that now, but I still have to move the "data"-Link to the needed tape?
How can I then restore while a backup is running when not using multitape?

>> which is rather fine in running automatically, unattended and with no need 
>> of an amanda-Database.
>> As I understand, amrestore so far only has been a wrapper for dd if=<file> 
>> bs=32k skip=1?
>> Why has this simple functionality been changed?
> It is a lot more that a simple dd.

I'm sure it does, detecting in which way it was zipped and so on. As I wrote: 
No offense :)
After having build 3.3.5, I'm still experiencing problems.
I'm sorry, maybe I'm just blind :/

BOFH excuse #283:

Lawn mower blade in your fan need sharpening

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