
You define the holdingdisk but you don't tell amanda to use it.

  holdingdisk "holdingdisk1"
after the define


On 02/27/2014 03:09 PM, Michael Stauffer wrote:
Amanda 3.3.4


Seems like I'm having trouble getting amanda to use my holding disk.

Here's my setup in amanda.conf:

    define holdingdisk holdingdisk1 {
      directory "/mnt/amanda-holdingdisk1/"
      use 4500Gb
      chunksize 100Gb

    define dumptype gui-base {
           program "GNUTAR"
           comment "gui base dumptype dumped with tar"
           compress none
           index yes
           maxdumps 2
           max-warnings 100
           allow-split true #Stauffer. Default is true.
           holdingdisk yes  #Stauffer. Default is auto.

When I run amcheck, it's not giving me any msg regarding holding disk, positive or negative. A few things I've seen online have shown amcheck reporting on holding disk status.

My tapetype has this:

    #settings for splitting/spanning
part_size 190G # about 1/10 of tape size - should be used when using holding disk # these should be used when no holding disk is used - but cache size determines # part size (AFAIK), and lots of small parts in a dump is said to be inefficient
    part_cache_type memory
    part_cache_max_size 12G

I ran a level 0 dump and saw this:

Label               Time         Size      %  DLEs Parts
000406-jet1 21:21 2152G  152.1     2   181
000407-jet1 7:17660G   46.6     1    56

which looks to me like parts of 12G, close to my 14G cache size.

Do I need to do something else to tell amanda to use my holding disk? Thanks.


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