Amanda 3.5 can do everything you want only by running the amdump command.

Using an holding disk:

  * You configure two storages
  * All dumps go to the holding disk
  * All dumps are copied to each storages, not necessarily at the same
    time or in the same run.
  * The dumps stay in holding until they are copied to both storages
  * You can tell amanda that everything must go to both storage or only
    some dle full/incr

Without holding disk

  * You configure one storage telling it to automatically vault its
    dumps to the vault-storage
  * You configure one vault-storage
  * All dumps are dumped to the storage then vaulted to the vault-storage
  * The vault operation can be done later in the same run or in a
    different run.
  * All dumps must go to the storage, but you can vault only some dles

Don't forget to set a different tapepool for each storage.

On 04/10/17 10:17 AM, Nathan Stratton Treadway wrote:
> We are in the process of adding vaulting to our existing Amanda
> environment, and I am curious to hear/see how other sites have
> approached this.
> In particular, I'm curious what policies you have adopted for what gets
> vaulted, and how exactly you have scripted the vaulting so that you are
> sure the correct dumps always get copied the correct number of times,
> etc.
> In our situation, our nightly backups are to vtapes on a large internal
> drive, and our plan is to then vault to separate vtapes on external USB
> drives that are rotated physically each business day. So I think we
> don't want to use "vault-storage", since we want to let the nightly
> dumps proceeded without concern for whether the next USB drive is
> available yet.
You want vault-storage, if the next USB drive is not available, then 
nothing will be vaulted but amanda remember what must be vaulted and 
they will be vaulted on the next amdump.
> But what isn't clear is the best way to code a cron job
> to run later in the day, so that it keeps track of which of the nightly
> dumps have already been vaulted v.s. the ones that still need to be.
Amanda remember them, you have nothing to do.

Amanda lack a command to do: vault what is scheduled to be vaulted.
You could try 'amdump CONF badhost'
Since a host that match none of your host is specified, amdump will dump 
nothing, and I think the flush/vault operation will be done
It must be verified and tested.
If you do not want to set vault-storage during the normal amdump, you 
can try the following command to do the vault:
   amdump CONF badhost -ovault-storage=MY-VAULT

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