Am 2017-10-16 um 15:20 schrieb Jean-Louis Martineau:
> Amanda 3.5 can do everything you want only by running the amdump command.
> Using an holding disk:
> * You configure two storages
> * All dumps go to the holding disk
> * All dumps are copied to each storages, not necessarily at the same
> time or in the same run.
> * The dumps stay in holding until they are copied to both storages
> * You can tell amanda that everything must go to both storage or only
> some dle full/incr

So it is possible to set up a mix of "normal" daily backups with
incrementals/fulls and "archive"/vault backups with only the full
backups of a specific day ?

I have requests to do so for a customer, until now we used amanda-3.3.9
and 2 configs sharing most of config and disklist ...

Nathan, the OP of this thread and others (including me) would like to
see actual examples of configuration, a howto or something.

The man page is a bit minimal

Is there anything additional to that manpage and maybe:



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