
Post all debug files and log generated while running amflush.


On 10/11/17 08:45 AM, Stefan G. Weichinger wrote:
Am 2017-11-08 um 18:57 schrieb Jean-Louis Martineau:
On 28/10/17 12:37 PM, Stefan G. Weichinger wrote:
Is it possible to amflush dumps from holdingdisk to tape while keeping
the dump files in the holdingdisk (for flushing them to a second set of
tapes later or just restore purposes) ?

It's not possible to flush them again.

Keeping them for restore: no, but it is a good idea for future feature.
OK. I try:

2 storages in one config:

define storage daily {
         tapepool "daily"
         tapetype "LTO6"
         tpchanger "robot"
         #labelstr "^CMR[0-9][0-9]*$"    # label constraint regex: all
tapes must match
         autolabel "CMR%b"       # label constraint regex: all tapes must
         autoflush       no
         flush-threshold-dumped  500 # (or more)
         flush-threshold-scheduled       500 # (or more)
         taperflush      500
         runtapes 4                      # number of tapes to be used in
a single run of amdump

define storage archive {
         tapepool "archive"
         tapetype "LTO6"
         tpchanger "robot"
         #labelstr "^ARC[0-9][0-9]*$"    # label constraint regex: all
tapes must match
         autolabel "ARC%b"       # label constraint regex: all tapes must
         runtapes 4                      # number of tapes to be used in
a single run of amdump
         dump-selection ALL FULL


The ARC-tapes are WORM and should only get the lev0 dumps.

labelled tapes ... examples:

0 ARC866 reuse BARCODE:CMR866L6 BLOCKSIZE:32 POOL:archive
STORAGE:archive CONFIG:daily

20171023201805 CMR940 reuse BARCODE:CMR940L6 BLOCKSIZE:32 POOL:daily
STORAGE:daily CONFIG:daily

I ran amdump --no-taper in the last days to collect lev0 in holdingdisk,
now I want to write/amflush these dumps to the tapes in storage "archive".

amcheck is OK, but amflush fails.

amflush daily -o storage=archive

Is that related to the TAPE POOL or what?

The report mail isn't clearly telling me what the problem is, it simply
does not start flushing.

A line from amstatus:       20171108204306 0      3149g (daily)
terminated while waiting for flushing

What does the (daily) mean here?

pls advise, I should do that archive run this weekend.

ps: amanda-3.5, btw

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