Hi Jon,

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jon LaBadie" 
> To: "amanda-users" <amanda-users@amanda.org>
> Sent: Monday, November 19, 2018 1:44:35 PM
> Subject: Re: Taper scan algorithm did not find an acceptable volume.

> As a general approach, an admin should not run new software systems
> until its dependices are independently verified.  For example
> client backups depand on a working network.  You should confirm
> the clients can reach the server and visa-versa.

This is confirmed. From my AMANDA server, I can see each of my NAS as a SaMBa 
share. I can ping each of my clients from the AMANDA server, and smbclient -L 
let's me browse their filesystems. I don't think connectivity is my problem. I 
think I am fighting my own ignorance exhibited in a badly configured AMANDA 
server. I seek advice of detecting and correcting this very simple 

        mailto "bac...@tclc.org"               # space separated list of 
operators at your site
        dumpuser "amandabackup"                # the user to run dumps under
        org "Mail.TCLC.org"

        infofile "/var/amanda/info"
        logdir   "/var/amanda/Mail.TCLC.org"
        indexdir "/var/amanda/index"

        tapetype "NAS"
        tapedev  "chg-disk://etc/amanda/Mail.TCLC.org/dst"
        holdingdisk hd
        dumpcycle 1week 
        runspercycle 7
        tapecycle 21

        define holdingdisk hd {
            directory "/var/amanda/hold"

        includefile "advanced.conf"
        includefile "/etc/amanda/template.d/dumptypes"
        includefile "/etc/amanda/template.d/tapetypes"

> You are setting up a vtape library, tapes to fill the library slots,
> and a changer to manipulate the vtapes in the library.  You should
> exercise these components with amanda commands before trying to
> backup your clients.
> Hmm, does amanda have any commands to exercise the changer and library?

I assume that this is a rhetorical question. In my case it is a valid question 
that I can't answer, but the answer to which may solve my problem. I now know 
about "amadmin", and "amtape", and "locate am | grep "^am" | grep bin" has 
revealed many more which justify greater familiarity, but I have no idea how to 
proceed testing my vtape config. I would be appreciative if you could give me 
an example of how to do this.

Thanks for the help, Jon.


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