> On Nov 20, 2018, at 9:54 AM, Chris Miller <c...@tryx.org> wrote:
> Hi Jon,
> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Jon LaBadie" 
>> To: "amanda-users" <amanda-users@amanda.org>
>> Sent: Monday, November 19, 2018 1:44:35 PM
>> Subject: Re: Taper scan algorithm did not find an acceptable volume.
>> As a general approach, an admin should not run new software systems
>> until its dependices are independently verified.  For example
>> client backups depand on a working network.  You should confirm
>> the clients can reach the server and visa-versa.
> This is confirmed. From my AMANDA server, I can see each of my NAS as a SaMBa 
> share. I can ping each of my clients from the AMANDA server, and smbclient -L 
> let's me browse their filesystems. I don't think connectivity is my problem. 
> I think I am fighting my own ignorance exhibited in a badly configured AMANDA 
> server. I seek advice of detecting and correcting this very simple 
> configuration:
>        mailto "bac...@tclc.org"               # space separated list of 
> operators at your site
>        dumpuser "amandabackup"                # the user to run dumps under
>        org "Mail.TCLC.org"
>        infofile "/var/amanda/info"
>        logdir   "/var/amanda/Mail.TCLC.org"
>        indexdir "/var/amanda/index"
>        tapetype "NAS"
>        tapedev  "chg-disk://etc/amanda/Mail.TCLC.org/dst"
>        holdingdisk hd
>        dumpcycle 1week 
>        runspercycle 7
>        tapecycle 21
>        define holdingdisk hd {
>            directory "/var/amanda/hold"
>            }
>        includefile "advanced.conf"
>        includefile "/etc/amanda/template.d/dumptypes"
>        includefile "/etc/amanda/template.d/tapetypes"
>> You are setting up a vtape library, tapes to fill the library slots,
>> and a changer to manipulate the vtapes in the library.  You should
>> exercise these components with amanda commands before trying to
>> backup your clients.
>> Hmm, does amanda have any commands to exercise the changer and library?
> I assume that this is a rhetorical question. In my case it is a valid 
> question that I can't answer, but the answer to which may solve my problem. I 
> now know about "amadmin", and "amtape", and "locate am | grep "^am" | grep 
> bin" has revealed many more which justify greater familiarity, but I have no 
> idea how to proceed testing my vtape config. I would be appreciative if you 
> could give me an example of how to do this.
> Thanks for the help, Jon.
> -- 
> Chris. 

When installing a new tape drive or tape library  (physical tapes, for me)
I read ~18 years ago  (can’t find where, anymore)   that I should exercise the
tape commands manually first.   Then attempt to get amanda to use them.

To whit:
amtape <config> slot 1
amtape config slot 2
amtape config slot 15   (jump around)
amtape config slot next
amtape config slot first   (either 0 or 1,  or whatever the first slot it’s 
been allowed)
amtape config slot last     (the last slot)

I pre-label all my tapes, so I was able to do the above commands,  and see 
before proceeding to amanda commands.   Dunno if it will mount an unlabeled 
But you need to have the above working first.

It couldn’t *hurt*  to prelabel all your vtapes,  but I know you don’t want to. 
 That may be
why it’s failing???    I’ve never ventured into “unlabeled tape”  territory.   

Deb Baddorf

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