Matt wrote:

>>> Any other ideas?
>> One thought is to thwart the common practice of spammers that target
>> only the secondary MX.

> That's actually a good idea :) I'll consider that!  But all of our MX 
> records are the same priority anyway, but adding a fake secondary might 
> actually be pretty neat (since spammers mght skip "relay1" and "relay2" 
> and go right for the priority 20 server which wont exist.

I'm not sure if it would be effective or not if relay1 and relay2 do round
robin. I just don't know.

> In a previous email, you guys asked me to send a debug from a message. 
> Here it is.  It seems the "timing" you were looking for is 7566 ms.  Our 
> queue on these servers gets really backed up during business hours.  Most 
> of the time it is taking about 5 minutes now for a message to be processed 
> from the queue.

> We do have IDE drives, but the only I/O I notice is the writing to the log 
> file (/var/log/maillog).  I do not have /var/amavis/tmp in a RAM drive, 
> because I monitored that directory and there didn't seem to be too much 
> traffic.  Am I missing something?  Would moving that dir to memory really 
> help improve I/O?

You have to be very careful, if tmpfs fills up, amavisd-new processes
croak. I'm not sure it's worth it primarily due to this fact. Do your
homework if you try this.

> Wow, I was wrong.
> /var/amavis/tmp does get a crap load of traffic :)
> I'll look into putting this into memory.

Then you may need a crap load of memory!
How many amavis* directories are there? A large number may indicate a problem.

> Anyway, here is the output:

lookup_ldap: 3861 (51%) (4 seconds) I personally don't use LDAP so I
have no idea how to improve this, or if this is as good as it gets.
But this is obviously where amavisd-new spends half its time.

SA check: 3215 (42%) (3 seconds - looks OK)

Just my 0.02

Gary V

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