
> I'm currentry using @lookup_sql_dsn for storing quarantine in DB.
> So I have tried to include both DSN in @lookup_sql_dsn array:
> @lookup_sql_dsn =
> (
>   ['DBI:mysql:database=amavis;host=;port=3306',
>     'user1', 'apss1'],
>   ['DBI:mysql:database=postfix;host=;port=3306',
>     'user2', 'pass2'],
> );

Having multiple data set names in the list is just a failover feature,
they must all present the same schema, and only one of them is used
at a time.

> But after that Amavisd-new won't go on. Nevertheles gives error. How I
> have to do to preserve both features (virus_lover that queries "postfix"
> database, and SQL quarantine that interact with "amavis" database)?

Amavisd can use (up to) two connections to a database, separating
a read-only database used for lookups and white/black-listing
(through @lookup_sql_dsn), from a read/write database access
through @storage_sql_dsn, used for everything else, i.e. for
SQL logging (pen pals) and quarantining.

So in your case the split is natural, use @lookup_sql_dsn
pointing to one database used only for lookups (such as
virus_lover queries), and use @storage_sql_dsn pointing
to a separate database, hosting a quarantine and logging.



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