> One thing that I can do after I have separated traffic originating
> inside my network, from the other traffic passing through my mail
> gateway, is to stop to analyse that traffic agaist viruses.
> Indeed, I then realized that I would like to continue to scan email
> originating from my network and destined still to my network.
> A policy compliant with the my aim could be to omit virus scanning
> for outbound messages.

|> The idea is to present a bypass_virus_checks='N' for all local
|> domains, and provide a default of a yes for the rest (either by
|> an SQL record or by a statical default).

> So,
> $sql_clause{'sel_policy'} = \$sql_select_policy;

This assignment isn't necesary in a config file, it is already done at
amavisd initialization time.

> $sql_select_policy  = "select policy.virus_lover as virus_lover from
> (SELECT 1 as virus_lover, domain FROM domain where active=1 and domain
> in (%k)) as policy left join domain on (policy.domain=domain.domain)";
> Could be ok?
> PS: The query returns:
>   +-------------+
>   | virus_lover |
>   +-------------+
>   | 1           |
>   +-------------+
> If domain is local and
>   +-------------+
>   | virus_lover |
>   +-------------+
> Otherwise.

Don't you want just the opposite? You said you wanted all outbound mail
to pass without virus checking, which means your local domains (inbound
or internal-to-internal mail) need a virus_lover false, and everybody else
(outbound) needs a true,

|> Also table names do not matter.
> $sql_select_policy  = "select policy.virus_lover as virus_lover from

As mentioned, table names in the final result do not matter (DBI module
strips them off, returning only bare field names), so the above AS alias
is unnecessary, a "SELECT virus_lover FROM ..." suffices.

So now we have a:

SELECT virus_lover FROM
  ( SELECT 0 as virus_lover, domain
    FROM domain WHERE active=1 AND domain IN (%k)
  ) AS policy
  LEFT JOIN domain ON (policy.domain=domain.domain)

As you are not interested in other fields being returned, I don't
see a need for a LEFT JOIN domain. It appears to me that a simple
select would do the job as well:

SELECT 0 as virus_lover FROM domain WHERE active=1 AND domain IN (%k)

Now what is still needed is to return a true for a virus_lover
for everybody else. It could be done by a SQL (a wildcard record for
a domain '@.'), but in this particular case it is simpler to do without
a catchall record and just use a statical lookup table as a fallback,
  push(@virus_lovers_maps, 1);

or the old style, if you prefer:
  %virus_lovers = ('.' => 1);

Btw, I assume your SQL table 'domain' really contains only domain names
and not also some individual full email addresses, as otherwise you'd
need to introduce a priority filed and sort on it.

Make sure to have the $sql_lookups_no_at_means_domain set correctly:
release notes:
- added global configuration variables $sql_lookups_no_at_means_domain and
  $ldap_lookups_no_at_means_domain, both false by default. They control
  whether a database mail address field with no '@' character represents
  a local username, or a domain name. By default (value false) it indicates
  a username in SQL and LDAP lookups (but represents a domain in hash and
  acl lookups), so domain names in SQL and LDAP should be specified as
  '@domain'. Setting these to true will cause 'xxx' to be interpreted as
  a domain name, just like in hash or acl lookups, which may facilitate
  interoperability with databases from other applications;

Set it to true:
  $sql_lookups_no_at_means_domain = 1;
if your domains in SQL table look like 'example.com' or '.example.com'.

Set it to false (or leave at a default), if your domains in SQL table
look like '@example.com' or '@.example.com'.


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