
> I have assumed that I have I have to take away the
> "bypass_virus_check_maps" setting from the policy below:
> $inet_socket_port = [10024,10026];
> $interface_policy{'10026'} = 'SENDERBYPASS';
> $policy_bank{'SENDERBYPASS'} = {
>         originating => 1,
>         bypass_virus_checks_maps => [
>         {
>                 '' => 0,
>                 '.' => 1,
>         } ],
> };
> So it become:
> $policy_bank{'SENDERBYPASS'} = {
>         originating => 1,
> };

Yes, in your case there is no need to have a global
@bypass_virus_checks_maps overridden by a policy bank, as
you say you want to treat inbound and internal-to-internal
mail the same, i.e. the behaviour is determined by
a recipient domain alone, not by the source of a message.

> (Is it right to unset "bypass_virus_checks_maps"?)
> Then I have added the following config line:
> @lookup_sql_dsn =
>    ( ['DBI:mysql:database=mail;host=;port=3306', 'user',
> 'password'],);
> @storage_sql_dsn = @lookup_sql_dsn;  # none, same, or separate database
> $sql_select_policy = 'SELECT 0 as virus_lover FROM domain WHERE active=1
> AND domain IN (%k)';
> %virus_lovers = ('.' => 1);


> After restarting amavisd I get error such the following:

> amavis[483]: (00483-01) sql: preparing and executing:
>   SELECT id FROM maddr WHERE email=?
> amavis[483]: (00483-01) sending SMTP response:
>   "451 4.5.0 Error in processing, id=00483-01, sql-enter FAILED:
>   sql exec: err=1146, S1000, DBD::mysql::st execute failed:
>   Table 'postfix.maddr' doesn't exist at 
>   (eval 66) line 169, <GEN11> line 21."

This has nothing to do with SQL lookups. It is SQL logging that fails,
apparently you don't have r/w tables needed for logging to SQL / penpals
(tables maddr, msgs, msgrcpt), yet you have enabled the SQL logging.

Either provide the needed tables (README.sql-mysql),
or leave @storage_sql_dsn at its default (empty).

> Infact when I uncomment @lookup_sql_dsn I enable sql Amavisd-new logging
> in amavis database.. But I need to lookup for domain on mail database..
> what I have to do?

Leave out the
  @storage_sql_dsn = @lookup_sql_dsn;


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