On Apr 29, 2010, at 9:21 PM, troxlinux wrote:
> 2010/4/29 Alrik Bronsema <alr...@gmail.com>:
>> This triggered me in your logfile: "The table 'quarantine' is full"
>> Google it and you'll find:
>> http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/full-table.html
> I check this and my filesystem is EXT 3 ,  I have sufficient space in
> partition of mysql
> Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> /dev/sda10             20G  264M   19G   2% /srv
> /dev/sda9             8.9G  161M  8.3G   2% /tmp
> /dev/sda7              12G  4.3G  7.0G  39% /usr
> /dev/sda5             197G  1.9G  185G   2% /var

If your server has plenty of space, that does not mean that your database has 
plenty of space. Check your database!

> $timestamp_fmt_mysql = 1; # if using MySQL *and* msgs.time_iso is TIMESTAMP;
> #   defaults to 0, which is good for non-MySQL or if msgs.time_iso is CHAR(16)
> I activates this line, I read that this is better to have activated it
> when you have amavisd with mysql

$timestamp_fmt_mysql should be 1 only if you set msgs.time_iso field to 
TIMESTAMP. But sql schema you've sent, does NOT have it, so don't change it, 
unless you are going to change the schema. Read the documentation again...

> At the moment I had to remove the old data base and to create a new
> one, but it download the scheme of website of amavis,
> I wait for its commentaries

If you have deleted the database, then you will be probably be just fine for a 
while, but after a while, you will run out of space in your database and the 
same thing will happen again. You should monitor your database usage 
(especially Innodb_pool) more often...

regards, Jernej

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