Hello Matthias,

Two build questions.


I have downloaded 2252 and run into this error when building for my uno

amforth-6.5A/avr8\drivers/generic-isr.asm(28): error: jz: Unknown instruction 
or macro
amforth-6.5A/avr8\drivers/generic-isr.asm(28): error: isr_clean: Unknown 
instruction or macro

I also get the same error for the Leonardo and the 1284p. The jz (jump
if zero?) instruction/macro does not appear in generic-isa.asm in 6.4
or 2147 and both 6.4 and 2147 make cleanly on my system (under osx +


Separately, using 2147 (and also 6.2) I have been trying to get an
ATmega1284p up and running with AmForth. After cleanly building and
flashing the two hex files I connect via RX0/TX0 but can only receive
characters from the 1284p. Pressing reset (repeatedly) shows me the
version number and chip name but the interpreter does not respond to
my key presses. I am using an FTDI usb/serial connector which connects
successfully to my uno and leonardo. For good measure I have checked
the RX0/TXO signals with an oscilloscope and they are both there. Any
thoughts as to where I might look next? 

My interest in the ATmega1284p is that I have "promised" myself a nice
new 10 cm square PCB dedicated to running AmForth and thought it would
be the ideal chip for the job :) 

Kind regards,

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