Hi Dino, 

There are a great number of nice rigs which are great for anyone interested 
in AM. They can be had relatively cheap, especially  at hamfests, 
ocassionally here on the reflector and on that infamous auction site.  Among 
them are the Viking Ranger, Viking II, Heath Apache, and Elmac AF-67 to 
mention a few. All lend themselves to rather easy modifications if you're so 
inclined and are excellent units. Most use easy to get and still relatively 
cheap tubes which is another thing to consider.

As far as antennas are concerned, anything with a good match will work well. 
Since the AM windows are small, cutting an antenna to the exact frequency is 
a simple matter.

The Globe King can be an expensive item, depending on the seller, condition, 
modifications, etc.  Unless someone has already restore it, many  of them are 
unfortunately in bad shape and will take a lot of work to get them perking to 
spec again.  Unless you are an experienced tech, my advise would be to save 
your  money on a rust bucket and either spring for a working restored King of 
get something smaller and les expensive to  start out.

There is an organization called AM International where you can glean a lot of 
info and links.  I don't have the URL in this computer but you can do a 
Google search and find them.

Good luck and welcome to REAL radio.


John,  W4AWM

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