Hi Dino:

Let me also welcome you to the AM group.  I would bet there is someone in your 
area who could help with your search for an AM rig.  You might start by 
listening to the California Early Bird Net Saturdays at 8 AM on 3870.  Also 
there is the West Coast AM Net Wednesday at 9 PM, Pacific on or about 3870 with 
Ken, K6CJA the NCS.  Ken is a fine fellow and will give you any direction you 
request.  If you have an SSB rig that will transmit AM, join in and ask if 
there is anyone in you area that can help you.

 I have a Globe King 500 A and like it very much but most of the time I use 
either a DX 100 or a B&W 5100B.  Both are 100 watt out class transmitters and 
coupled with a good antenna will do a fine job for you.  The key is the 
antenna, I have used both verticals and wire antennas.  If you choose a wire 
antenna just be sure to get it high enough, if a vertical be sure to install a 
very good ground plane.   

You did not mention your experience level, but I derive great joy of finding a 
transmitter and receiver that needs attention.  If all the parts are there, you 
can repair them and have a class station.  You will find a wealth of 
information here to guide you through your decisions.  Another group that is 
more than willing to help can be found here:  
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/newoldstock/   Just join the group and ask any 
question you want in either place.

A magazine that you might want to consider is Electric Radio.  If you will 
email Barry Wiseman at [EMAIL PROTECTED] he will be happy to tell you the 
subscription rates and help you get the magazine coming.  As already mentioned 
AMI is a good organization to join and I, too, don't have the page, but the 
Google search will get you to their home page.

Again Welcome and look forward to seeing more posts and hearing you on the air 

73  Jim
de W5JPW

Hello o' Great Ones!

My name is Dino and I live in Southern CA.  I have always wanted to get  
into AM radio after hearing the stories about all you famous (infamous?)  
operators out here.  I have listened on air and to a few sound bites off  
the Internet.

As a start, I signed up here to learn about the sport but have found the  
conversations lacking in the "beginner topics".  I have specific questions...

What radios are recommended?  My limited experience tells me that current  
production models really lack any AM prowess.  I have heard that the  
FT-100D can be tweaked...but I like TUBES!  500 watts of CLEAN AM power  
would float my boat!

What antennas are recommended?  Wire?  Loaded verticals?

Is the Globe King really THAT expensive?!  Is it worth it?

Is there a publication dedicated to AM radio?

While the fraternity could certainly use more members, I don't know if you  
should pick me.  My goal is to BUILD an AM transmitter of about 350 to 500  
watts with a tube modulation circuit and final.  That's later though!  In  
the mean time, what can I get or what do you recommend for a novice?

Thanks for your time...you are a class group!


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