Hi Dino,

Operating AM is certainly half the fun but just using the classic tube radio is 
easily the other half of the fun.   For someone starting out, there are alot of 
good AM transmitters.  Don't go qrp, you need a bit of power for AM on 75.  10 
meters is another matter.

Boy, if I were starting out again, I'd recommend to myself to go for a Johnson 
Valiant or Johnson Viking II right out of the shoot.  They're both great rigs 
for a beginner, pretty straightforward to work on if needed, very reliable, 
reasonably priced, and has some decent power for AM and cw.  Get one thats 
working and in decent shape for your first radio.  Don't buy a junker or wreck 
to save $$ unless you are experienced in repair of tube radios and willing to 
wait out the restoration.   Once you have a nice transmitter on the air then 
consider branching out and doing restorations.   

Other excellant transmitters include the Collins 32V series, Johnson Viking II 
with 122 vfo, Heathkit DX-100.  There are an awful lot of good transmitters out 
there.  I'd start out simple with a good solid rig, and then you can go radio 
nuts like the rest of us and acquire all sorts of transmitters :^)

You mention the Globe King series.  The Globe King is a great transmitter and 
many people are incredibly happy to own one.  It commands a premium price for 
one in good shape and functional.  If you happen across one in decent shape 
that works, go for it if you have the money.  Its a classic.  There are other 
monster transmitters out there that we love including the BC610, Collins KW-1, 
Johnson Viking Desk Kilowatt, and a bunch of others.  

Good luck.
73,  Scott WA9WFA

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