On 12/1/06, Jack Schmidling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
That's a given but bringing another venue into this one is a bit different as it promotes the other venue and usually includes ebay ads. Actually, I guess it's because it's Ebay and lots of folks feel the same way about Ebay as we do about Walmart. I for one, shop at neither.
It's even more simple than that for me, Jack. My 'slightly critical/negative light' remarks are a response to the AMers being an afterthought, as Bob himself said. I'll admit that I'm a bit biased, and it goes back to the number of reflectors I've belonged to since the mid 90s. Most folks were very helpful if you had a question, problem, or wanted to get advice. Few, and a very few, would show up to get prices, get technical help, basically pick peoples' brains to repair their list-specific piece of gear - then list their gear on ebay instead of the list. Sure, they have every right to sell where and to whomever they choose. That's not in question. It's more the approach. I'll also admit that I still remember Bob's remarks a month or so back about his AM experience, and how once you work the 30-40 people that are on, you're 'done'. Also comments that the AMers should stay in their AM window and not bother the SSBers or they'd have problems. This despite the crap that AMers get constantly from SSBers - in the AM window and elsewhere. He sold his 20V and other stuff, but he posted a want ad on here looking for another transmitter recently. Why not use ebay's 'want it now' listing instead? Where's the continuity? Maybe we're not so bad afterall? Call me foolish, but rather than it being an issue of where and to whom one sells, it seems to me more an issue about the seller's intent. We're good enough to list want ads, just not for sale ads? Weird. ~ Todd, KA1KAQ ______________________________________________________________ AMRadio mailing list List Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net