Bill Smith wrote:
There isn't any "big point."  The little point is 3870 is a popular AM
frequency in an AM window between 3870 and 3885.

But, that's where a -lot- of people make the mistake of saying that there -is- a Window, Bill.

"Officially", the ARRL recognizes 3.885Mc as the Calling Frequency for 75m AM, period. There is no 'window' (save for the AM Window website, run by WB3HUZ) where there's only AM found.

Speaking of the AM Window Website, I found Ken/W2DTC's entry there, and some audio bites that's he's recorded.

Remember, in this thread, when KA1KAQ said:

Todd, KA1KAQ wrote:
Third, I understand and agree with comments made by Geoff and others about some of the idiotic behavior that goes on in the northeast on
75. It goes on elsewhere as well.

Not to the extent that happens up in the NorthEast...

Listen for yourself.

Now, -someone- from up in the NorthEast tell Jim, Brian myself and others down in the 5-land area, and else where, what make's 'youse guys' so much better than everyone else? That's the feeling -we- get.

73 = Best Regards,

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