On Jul 31, 2007, at 12:13 AM, Greg wrote:

What power level are you thinking about?

I've got some 3-400Z spares and sockets... I think i'm limited mostly by the cost of the transformer(s). An 811A project wouldn't be out of reach in terms of the cost of the tube and a plate transformer. Ideally i'd like to build something that produces the full legal limit but I think that would be cost prohibitive and unwise until I get something smaller under my belt. hi hi

What features and what is the modulation scheme?

160 meters, T/R switching relay with receiver muting for Drake R-4, possibly xtal controlled for fixed frequency at 1885KC for example.

I have a bunch of older left coast and ARRL handbooks that may have what you are looking for. I may be able to locate something for you and scan it to you.

That would be swell.

I'm fairly comfortable building HV supplies, etc. but i'm completely unfamiliar with how to calculate what size variable capacitors to use for tuning, tank coils, etc.


73 Jason N1SU

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