
when did using someone elses station, be a valid qso for YOUR own station?

Wow,  I guess I can call every person i hear off the moon but can't copy 
and then just ask W5UN for a recording of all my contacts so they will 
be good contacts.  Even tho I diddn't get any calls correct at MY 
station, I was able to correct all my mistakes by using a recording from 
HIS station,  yeah that sounds valid for sure.

I do not have any problems with recording your qso nd after the pass 
fill in the gaps with stuff ya forgot.  or I'll even give ya a stretch 
stuff ya missed.

But when it involves a third partys station  then it is NOT a valid QSO.

On 2/6/2011 4:51 PM, Zachary Beougher wrote:
> Hi Ed and Nigel,
> I agree this is reasonable as well.  I don’t see an issue with using someone
> else's recordings because your batteries died, as long as you heard the QSO,
> repeated the other station's call back, etc., as I said in my original
> email.  If you aren't for sure if the station came back to your call or if
> he confirmed he heard you because you lost the bird or went behind a tree,
> then that's a different story.
> I also think it's good to have a little grace - we can't expect a
> first-timer to the sats to jump on and copy and repeat all call signs 100%.
> When I first started, all I said was a "QSL," or "copy that."  I imagine I
> frustrated a few ops who were wondering who I was QSLing. ;-)
> 73,
> Zack
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Edward R. Cole
> Sent: Sunday, February 06, 2011 5:24 PM
> To: Nigel Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF ;
> Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: Recorder battery died - anyone have a
> recording?2/5/2011
> At 01:14 PM 2/6/2011, Nigel Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF wrote:
>> I don't think the issue is whether or not you use a recorder,
>> packet/psk31/rtty ops are not penalised because they have
>> a computer record of the contact by virtue of the technology used
>> for that mode. If a voice recorder is part of your
>> shack, that's fine.
>> The issue is having to ask others if they heard your QSO and can
>> tell you the details.
>> If you chose technology to help you, fine. If your technology fails,
>> so does the QSO. It's not acceptable to expect the
>> rest of the world to be your log keeper.
> I agree with this!
> 73, Ed - KL7UW, WD2XSH/45
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> DUBUS Magazine USA Rep
> ======================================
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