
> There are at least two groups that  know of that launch High altitude
> balloons with amateur payloads. I just joined one: Arizona Near Space
> Research. http://www.ansr.org/
> The other s in Colorado, not sure of the organization's name though.

Edge of Space Sciences.  http://www.eoss.org/

> The balloons typically reach 90-100K feet in altitude and carry a Crossband
> repeater and several other payloads, including APRS Digipeaters & SSTV. The
> footprint is about 300 Miles at burst altitude.

Actually, the footprint has a diameter of several hundred miles.  For the
ANSR launches from locations in central Arizona, the footprints easily
cover almost all of Arizona along with portions of several neighboring
states and northwestern Mexico.  The following link is a bit old, but the
coverage maps at different altitudes are still good and show this better
than a text description:




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