While Analog doesn't offer a visitor count per se, if your site assigns cookies and
your log files record them, Analog will produce a User report based on those
cookies, and a visitor count can easily be derived from this report. 

To do this, just include the line USER ON in your configuration file, and set
USERFLOOR for a high number of requests e.g. USERFLOOR 1000r. You'll get a report
that looks like the following, in which the last line includes a "user count" of
sorts "[not listed: 3,218 users]" in this particular report. Of course, this
excludes all users who refuse cookies, multi-counts users who access your site from
more than one computer, undercounts users who share computers (families, libraries,
etc.), and presents other problems as well. But it is a number you can give to a
boss who insists on a user count.

If you don't assign cookies, you can also use the "Distinct hosts served" line in
Analog's summary. This has even more flaws than cookie based user counts, but it's
there. In this particular report for a single day the cookie user/host user ratio
was 3,218/3,235, which suggests to me that these count methods are not quite as
horrendously inaccurate as claimed by the "religion" Adrian refers to. Your mileage
may vary.

User Report
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain
Report: Organisation Report: User Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report:
Search Query Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Virtual Host Report:
Status Code Report: File Size Report: Internal Search Query Report: Request Report)

This report lists the users who requested files, if users have been authenticated
or can be identified by cookies. 

Listing users with at least 1000 requests, sorted by the number of requests. 

 reqs:  %reqs:      first time:       last time: user
-----: ------: ---------------: ---------------: ----
22177: 44.12%: 23/Sep/02 04:59: 24/Sep/02 04:59:
28083: 55.88%: 23/Sep/02 05:00: 24/Sep/02 04:59: [not listed: 3,218 users]

James Riemermann
MN Office of Tourism

For travel info: www.exploreminnesota.com

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/24/02 11:36AM >>>
Unique visitors are not possible with analog - a mixture of what is possible and a
The rest is possible via the hierarchy reports, unless you need a separate report
for each subdirectory. In that case you need to run analog once per report.


At 12:19 PM 9/24/02 -0400, you wrote:
>Hello all,
>    I've got a question about generating a fairly complicated report.
>Here's what I need:
>A report showing Total Hits, Unique Visitors, and Pages Served to the web
>server...  But here's the catch:  I need each of these values for each
>subdirectory I have on the web server.  Each subdirectory needs it's own set
>of stats, and I'd like to be able to put all the data into one file.  Is
>this possible with Analog?  I've been through the FAQ, and I couldn't really
>find anything to help me out... = /
>Sean Toohey
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Adrian Dolling, Systems Consultant      
Public Library Services Branch          
Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services
PO Box 9490 Stn Prov Govt (mailing address)
Victoria BC  V8W 9N7

800 Johnson St, Victoria, BC (street address)
Tel: 250-387-4043 or 1-800-663-7051
FAX: 250-953-3225

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