
I tried to do what you said me and other things, but I have problems
that I cannot solve.

I tried to do yours steps but... I had some errors.

> 1. If it is not there already, use registerIntentReceiver() as I described
> above, so it is controlled by the parent activity (in fact, it may work
> best if ProximityIntentReceiver is an inner class of the parent activity)

This work.

> 2. In the ProximityIntentReceiver, after you have received the first
> proximity alert intent, call LocationManager#removeProximityAlert() with
> the same Intent object you used in the previous addProximityAlert() call

This don't work. I try to remove the proximity alert but the proximity
alert continues working. Why? I saw the issue number 633 "When I
remove an proximity alert".

> 3. Call startSubActivity() to launch the child activity

This don't work. Is possible start a subActivity inside an

> 4. Implement onActivityResult() in the parent activity, and have it call
> addProximityAlert() again

This don't work. I saw the issue 574
"LocationManager.removeProximityAlert(Intent) does not remove alert if
same intent alert registered later". How I have said above, the
proximity alert never is erased.

As this don't work, I tried to do it of other way. I registered the
IntentReceiver how do you say. Instead of use an activity to show
information, to simplify I used the Toast class to show a message when
the point location is near to an interesting point. But... this
doesn't work correctly either.

Other problem that I found is that the extra "entering" that
ProximityAlert adds don't work correctly. The first time that the
alert is fired, "entering" is equal to true, this is correct. But when
the GPS location is inside of the alert radius, the value of
"entering" changes between true and false, I think that is not
correct. I can't use the extra "entering" to show the message (with
Toast) only once?. I would like show the message when the GPS location
enter into the radius of the alert.

With this version of Android it's impossible to do what I want, I will
have to wait to the next version. I hope that these issues are solved.
Somebody has achieved to do something similar with the version m5-

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