Il giorno mar, 03/08/2010 alle 14.49 -0400, Mark Murphy ha scritto:

> For those who find StackOverflow to be ineffective, or find the
> behavior of volunteers there to be morally reprehensible, or whatever,
> use the [android-developers] Google Group. The dividing line between
> that group and this one has been extremely blurry over the past 9-12
> months.

The problem with Stackoverflow, IMVHO, is that it is a QA site, not a
discussion place. You ask something, someone replies. Hadrly I found
even a simple thread discussing different ways to do something.

Plus, I find it unusable for a casual visitor.  You visit it if you have
a question, search for it, maybe post a request.
But it is hard to browse through a topic, or just read some messages to
discover things you didn't even think where possible.

This list has the right amount of traffic for casual reading during work
Android-developers is way too big (1000 messages a day? I end up marking
them all as read)

As for searching info, I prefer Google to Stackoverflow. This way I also
find blog posts, newsgroup posts, forums and this mailing list.

> There are other support resources as well (JavaRanch,,
> etc.). I do not try to participate in all of them, as I would never
> get any sleep. :-)

Too many, I agree, but this one was "official", and was easily usable,
being a mailing list.
I would prefer a NNTP newsgroup, but a ml is good too.
A forum or a website? Not so...

> If this list is discontinued, for the near term, I will be focusing on
> StackOverflow and [android-developers], and we will see where things
> go from there.

I understand your position.
Thanks to you and the others who bothered to help us newbies.

I too will continue to "read" android-developers and see how it goes.
As for stackoverflow, maybe google will find it sometimes. :)


Alessandro Pellizzari

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