It's long been my opinion that the minimum development environment
should be 8 GB, quad core. And, ideally, solid-state disks.

Definitely *NOT* a 5200 RPM or slower hard drive! Ever!

I run on a 4GB, dual core laptop, SATA 7200 RPM hard drive. But I've
also run on 8 GB, quad core, and know what a difference it makes.

I figure there's no point in replacing my computer until I can hit
that benchmark. This was the benchmark about 4 years ago.

But it makes a HUGE difference what else you are running. Here are
some of the worst offenders:
* GMail -- any browser.
* Firefox -- any content
* Eclipse -- don't open more stuff than you need. And you can
experiment with giving it more memory, so it doesn't have to GC quite
as often. But that makes the GCs it does do touch somewhat more pages.

Also, make sure your hard drive is defragmented, and that you clean up
your temp directories from time to time. A huge temp directory can
make a lot of things really beat on the disk as they do trivial things
with tiny temp files. It's surprisingly easy to get a huge temp
directory over time.

And finally: Pay attention to antivirus and online backup software
configuration. You do NOT want your antivirus software looking at
every file you touch in your build tree. You do NOT want your backup
software instantly backing up every intermediate file created during
the build process.

Still, insufficient memory is the biggest cause of poor development
environment performance in my experience. Eclipse does a huge amount
of stuff for you, but it requires RAM to hold all that parse data,
etc. Closing editor buffers, projects you don't actively need (like
the demo project!), etc. can significantly reduce Eclipse's memory

On Jul 30, 4:22 am, Mystique <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm on Win7 32-bit with 4GB RAM. Why my Eclipse always become so slow
> until it take so long to response to my mouse or keyboard. I have to
> force terminate it, restart and use it for like 20min and repeat the
> same thing again...
> Anyone facing this or have experience dealing with it?
> Regards.

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