You may want to look at CountDownTime also. It seems to work fine
(even when the Screen goes off).
I  took the following from the web:

    public class MyCount extends CountDownTimer {
        public MyCount(long millisInFuture, long countDownInterval) {
          super(millisInFuture, countDownInterval);

        public void onFinish() {
          counter = new MyCount(5000, 1000);
          counter.start ();

        public void onTick(long millisUntilFinished) {
            tv.setText("Hal:" + timer.getTime());

The timer component uses a "Live" Jt component (separate thread):

    private void timer() {

        JtFactory main = new JtFactory ();

        // Create the component

        timer = (Timer) main.createObject (Timer.JtCLASS_NAME);

        // Asynchronous processing of messages.
        main.sendMessage (timer, new JtMessage (Timer.UPDATE_TIME));


        counter = new MyCount(5000, 1000);

On Nov 20, 3:58 pm, Paul Townsend <> wrote:
> I made a simple countdown timer and it works as expected when plugged
> in via usb for debugging but when I take it off debugging and the
> screen goes off either time out or power button the handler fails to
> fire at the end time. I have created a custom timer class that gets
> created from the main activity when needed, because its able to have
> multiple countdowns running at the same time. Am I right in thinking
> that the handler just gets paused when the screen goes off and if so
> what are my alternatives. The activity is still in the foreground and
> I assumed the handler would still fire if the screen goes off.

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