
You don't need a Service or a Handler to handle events from Alarm Manager - just a Broadcast Receiver. It's even better, in that Android guarantees to hold a wake lock for the duration of your receiver's onReceive.

-- Kostya

28.11.2010 18:59, Paul Townsend ?????:
Hi guys thx for your help, been playing around with it and I tried setting up a service which works, but this will run in the background all the time so if I use an alarm manager how accurate is it can you set one for say 30 seconds time, or is it still bad to use a service even though all its doing is waiting for to come along to play a sound. The timer is designed to have several times per timer so each timer will finish several times, i.e pyramid splits, and can have many timers

On 21 November 2010 23:30, Dianne Hackborn < <>> wrote:

    You don't need to try around with different things, the behavior
    is very well defined: if you are not holding a wake lock, the CPU
    is allowed to go to full sleep, so no code can be executed until
    an external event wakes it up.  A thread sitting there waiting on
    a timer is never an external event.

    If you need to make sure you wake up even if the CPU is asleep,
    use the AlarmManager.

    On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 8:21 AM, Paul Townsend <
    <>> wrote:

        Just tried that bvut dose the same thing, although I have used
        countdownTimer in a custom TextView that I wrote so I could
        have a countdown timer for the UI and this dose not pause. I
        might look into to transfering the other timer bits to the
        text view and use that as a all in one timer solution and see
        if that works.

        On 21 November 2010 03:34, Hal <
        <>> wrote:

            You may want to look at CountDownTime also. It seems to
            work fine
            (even when the Screen goes off).
            I  took the following from the web:

               public class MyCount extends CountDownTimer {
                   public MyCount(long millisInFuture, long
            countDownInterval) {
                     super(millisInFuture, countDownInterval);

                   public void onFinish() {
                     counter = new MyCount(5000, 1000);
                     counter.start ();

                   public void onTick(long millisUntilFinished) {
                       tv.setText("Hal:" + timer.getTime());

            The timer component uses a "Live" Jt component (separate

               private void timer() {

                   JtFactory main = new JtFactory ();

                   // Create the component

                   timer = (Timer) main.createObject (Timer.JtCLASS_NAME);

                   // Asynchronous processing of messages.
                   main.sendMessage (timer, new JtMessage


                   counter = new MyCount(5000, 1000);

            On Nov 20, 3:58 pm, Paul Townsend <
            <>> wrote:
            > I made a simple countdown timer and it works as expected
            when plugged
            > in via usb for debugging but when I take it off
            debugging and the
            > screen goes off either time out or power button the
            handler fails to
            > fire at the end time. I have created a custom timer
            class that gets
            > created from the main activity when needed, because its
            able to have
            > multiple countdowns running at the same time. Am I right
            in thinking
            > that the handler just gets paused when the screen goes
            off and if so
            > what are my alternatives. The activity is still in the
            foreground and
            > I assumed the handler would still fire if the screen
            goes off.

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-- Dianne Hackborn
    Android framework engineer <>

    Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have
    time to provide private support, and so won't reply to such
    e-mails.  All such questions should be posted on public forums,
    where I and others can see and answer them.

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Kostya Vasilyev -- WiFi Manager + pretty widget --

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