On Sun, Mar 25, 2012 at 10:14:12PM +0200, YuviDroid wrote:
> By reading this:  android.widget.LinearLayout$LayoutParams cannot be cast
> to android.widget.FrameLayout$LayoutParams
> I'd say you need to change this:
>  msettingsLayout.setLayoutParams(new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(settingsw,
> settingsh));
> into:
>  msettingsLayout.setLayoutParams(new *FrameLayout*.LayoutParams(settingsw,
> settingsh));
> This is most probably because your LinearLayout  msettingsLayout  is inside
> a FrameLayout, and so its layout params must be of its parent class.

Ok, where's the FrameLayout?  I haven't define one.  As I said in the
original post, even the word "Frame" is *NOWHERE* in my project.  It''s
not in the Java file.  It's not in the XML files..  It's not in the
Manifest.  Basically (in Zsh):

      $ cd Android/workspace/DroidProCam
      $ frep -i frame **/*.xml **/*.java

Nothing found.....

So, again, where IS this frame layout defined?


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