On Sun, Mar 25, 2012 at 01:55:12PM -0700, Romain Guy wrote:
> LinearLayout is not a FrameLayout. I just remembered that ScrollView
> *is* a FrameLayout, my bad. The layout params of the ScrollView's
> child should be ScrollView.LayoutParams (or FrameLayout.LayoutParams.)
> A child must always use the layout params type declared in its parent.

Ok, now I'm REALLY confused.  Let me see if I've got this right (and I'm
not the least bit sure that I do).  If I have the following,

<LinearLayout ....>
   <ImageView .....>

To set parameters (e.g., scaleType, width, height, alpha (for the whole
ImageView), etc., for the ImageView, I'm supposed to be setting it using
LinearLayout.LayoutParams?  That's how I read the text above, but it
sounds very, VERY strange.


73 DE N5IAL (/4)        MiSTie #49997  < Running FreeBSD 7.0 >
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