kolby wrote:
>> 1. How long is "some time"?
> Anecdotal evidence suggests for the first few (< 5 mins). I have too
> many
> other things to debug still, so this hasn't been one of my priorities
> yet, but it
> has been to some of my users according to feedback.

That's a lot longer than I would have expected.

> Between opening at least one WebView and potentially showing a virtual
>  keyboard, there's really very little in terms of managing user
> expectations.

No, but you can make some choices here.

For example, for a consulting customer, I have an activity that
incorporates a WebView, loading up some local content. This takes a few
seconds to load, even with everything local, due to a combination of
content complexity and prototype-level local content serving code.

So, rather than have a blank screen, we're running a loading animation
first, with the WebView invisible, only "popping" the WebView when the
page is finished loading (through a WebViewClient callback).

Does this speed things up? No. In fact, it probably slows them down, as
the device has to spin the little animation.

Does the customer -- who has lots of UI design and human factors
experience -- feel that this will improve the *perceived* loading time? Yes.

I'm not saying this specific technique is appropriate for Steel.
However, I am saying that there are probably steps you can take to make
Steel both *be* more responsive once it's ready and *feel* more
responsive through judicious use of tricks akin to the one described here.

> The windows analogy is not 100% working for me here, because I believe
> in
> Android everything is in memory, we're not trying to access a hard
> drive, and
> even then, freeing room in a pagefile is much less resource intensive,
> than
> actually closing other applications based on demand, with callbacks to
> allow
> those apps to clean up, and having a garbage collector run in a java
> environment.
> All this while my poor app is trying to look good ;)

I didn't say they were the same in implementation. I said they have the
same impacts upon a newly-opening application. Hard drive thrashing for
swapfile access slows things down. Terminating activities in Android
slows things down. Which one does its work faster is contingent on way
too many environmental considerations (# of apps open, amount of
available memory, fragmentation of the hard drive, etc.) to make a clear
statement that one is necessarily always better than the other.

> Sometimes a user really does know when she wants to close an app and
> not
> use it again for a while, but Android is denying them the decision.

I can see arguments from *users* that they should have the ability to
close up unwanted applications.

But as a developer, you need to handle all scenarios, including those
where users, for whatever reason, aren't closing up other applications.
Just because a facility *exists* doesn't mean people will use them.

Heck, I've seen senior civil engineers try opening 1GB (yes, 1GB) TIFF
files on 1GB RAM Windows XP machines and then wonder why Outlook gets
unhappy. And these guys are sharper than the average mobile device user,
I suspect.

As a user, I'm in agreement that a proactive
close-the-app-and-I-really-mean-it-this-time facility would be A Good
Thing, so long as it is not required for users to use it. As a
developer, I gotta live with the fact that some users just won't use it
and therefore I have to take whatever steps I can to make the user happy

Of course, I'm an old fogey, having started developing apps in 16K of
RAM on 1MHz CPUs. So my perspective may be out of touch with the
whippersnappers who dominate the industry today. ;-)

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
_The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_ Version 2.0 Available!

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