You could leave logcat running while you launch Amazon MP3 in various
ways. This will tell you at least the action you need to use, and
probably something about the data and the mime type (if used).

If the intent has extras then you are out of luck (unless you guess
well). Extras are not specified in the Manifest, but they are only
handled by the application, so the system *truly* does not know about

If you don't want to reverse-engineer the apk, the only possibility is
to contact the application directly to ask for the specification of
the intents used.

(and if you have found them, please add them to the intents
registry ;-) )

OK, actually, as I write about it, there may be a way to find out more
about the intents without reverse engineering the apk:
1) Find the action (and if used mime type) using logcat.
2) Write an intent filter for that action in a test application.
3) Wait for the action to be fired, the activity chooser to pop up,
and choose your test application.
4) Read the intent extras in your test application :-)


On Jan 30, 6:29 pm, Peter Jeffe <> wrote:
> On Jan 30, 10:45 am, Peli <> wrote:
> > For this reason, we have created the OpenIntents intents 
> > registry:
> > Even if there is a way to find all intents supported by an
> > application, this will not tell you what kind of extras are supported
> > or required or which result (if at all) is returned.
> I think your site is great Peli, I agree with your reasoning and
> applaud your efforts.  Unfortunately in this case I'm interested in
> invoking the Amazon MP3 app, and no one has registered it on
> OpenIntents, so I was trying to discover anything I could about it.
> I think it is very strange that Android has this nice concept of apps
> registering the services that they provide, but there's no means for
> other apps to discover what services are provided.  Is it just me, or
> does anyone else think this really limits the usefulness of this
> feature?
> -- Peter
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