I can second the map panning effect. That seems to be able to lock up some 
older devices (with less RAM, or poorly managed RAM?) randomly.

On Friday, December 28, 2012 7:34:05 PM UTC-5, Nathan wrote:

> This is a topic that is on my mind once in a while. 
> What could an app do that would cause a hard freeze on an Android device? 
> Obviously something really bad. 
> BY a hard freeze, I mean one where the user claims to have to change the 
> battery or use an advanced keystroke to restart the device. 
> Theoretically nothing, right? After four seconds of not responding, the 
> Force Close dialog should appear, letting them close the program and report 
> through the market. 
> But in the real world, I do believe it happens. I get a few reports of it 
> every month or so. Fortunately, not often, but I would like to keep it so. 
> My app doesn't use any native or OpenGL calls. Most recently, a user says 
> he can get a consistent freeze by panning the view. 
> Panning a view is a simple operation for the user, (though it is rather 
> complicated in my custom view code), but there are 4000 other users doing 
> it on the same device without complaint. 
> I have very little to go on in these reports. After a full reboot, there 
> is little chance the logcat still has useful information. Since 4.1, we 
> can't use any external programs to collect the log. I aim for prevention 
> instead. 
> Anyway, please just post your best theories.
> Here are a few things I suspect might cause these things:
> Firmware/hardware errors in the device: 
> Some users complain about random freezes and reboots on particular devices 
> that seem independent. 
> It is certainly possible that an app developer could just be hitting a 
> path that freezes the device. 
> Example: HTC Droid Incredible, June 2010. The phone would spontaneously 
> report if you updated an ongoing notification more than a few hundred 
> times. Never found out why. To this day, I only update progress when it 
> moves a full percentage point. 
> Runs out of memory:
> Getting repeated outofmemory errors on background threads may not cause a 
> crash, but I think that eventually the main thread would get some errors 
> too. I think the Force Close should happen then too. 
> Event loop gets full:
> If, for example, onDraw takes .2 seconds but is called every .1 seconds, 
> you will eventually get behind and the user input would not be processed 
> and the system would appear frozen to an average observer.  The same could 
> happen if a Handler message queue got really full. I would expect this to 
> cause a Force Close, but you never know. Maybe the CPU overloads too fast. 
> Device or storage overheats:
> I have found where the device gets physically hot, they have been 
> manifested as SQLiteIOExceptions, indicating the file doesn't exist when it 
> does. 
> Case in point:
> I have done a stress test where I have done the following:
> GPS Locationlistener on service at 1 second intervals. 
> Do some computation in the listener
> Insert or update up to 800 bytes of data to an SQLiteDatabase on storage 
> in this listener. 
> (The above two items in main thread). 
> I did this driving at 45 mph with a Droid 1. 
> Did great for a while. 
> After an hour I observed behavior where it appeared unresponsive. No Force 
> Close dialog. Phone was measurably warmer than normal. I could even see it 
> happening in degrees, where it might take two seconds to respond to a 
> touch, then ten seconds, then a minute or two. If the above stress was 
> removed, it might eventually get back to normal where it was caught up. But 
> an average user would of course think it completely frozen and pull the 
> battery. I suspect the "full event loop" from above, possibly causing or 
> being caused by IO errors. 
> Anyway, your thoughts are welcome. 
> Any sure fire technique you have found for freezing an Android, let me 
> know and I will try to *not* do it. 
> Nathan

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