On Monday, January 7, 2013 4:21:45 PM UTC-8, jason_gates wrote:
> Hi,
> Thank you for the reply.
> We are taking apples and oranges. Kostya is a developer who reported an 
> issue to the Android development team. He gave them a detailed stack trace 
> and copy of his app. The exception was then analyzed by a professional 
> development support team. As an aside, it doesn't look like the Android 
> development team is done analyzing Kostya's issue. 


> Nathan, your "issue" is based on reports from "end users". My conjecture 
> is, there is a substantive difference between "end user" reporting and 
> developer to developer reporting. 

> A test/development team provides detail precise measurements. Are you end 
> user reports, detailed and precise? (that's not how you indicated their 
> reports in the original post). 
> No. So what is your point, then? 

> You don't know for certain whether it's an application defect, an OS 
> defect , a hardware defect. That's OK :). My point is, you are speculating 
> :)

Yes. I've never said I wasn't. 

When a developer says "my application is error free and needs no code 
> review', I'm not taking that bet :) 
I NEVER said anything of the kind. You suggested a particular review and I 
did that. 

My final recommendation is, it's unlikely your code has no defects.
OK. I knew that before, but the second opinion helps. I have plenty of 
others to work on that are less vague than this one. 

Thus, before assuming there is an error in the OS, hardware, application 
> language etc, I would post a little bit more about your application. For 
> example, does it connect anything that might block? 
Yes. Loads of stuff. I mentioned a few of those things above. 
ReentrantLock, thread pools, Synchronized collections, database IO, file 
I/O, http I/O, you name it. 

Yes, I am very much aware that blocking the main thread is bad, and will 
usually cause a Force Close, and I wouldn't rule out that it could cause a 
hard freeze.  Do you believe that blocking operations, not on the main 
thread, could somehow cause such problems as well?

Again, thanks for the reply. I not going to speculate further on code that 
> I haven't reviewed :) 
And I am not going to post the code here for review (it's not open source) 
so no further speculation is needed.  

It may not be fruitful, either, to tell you everything my app does. I've 
posted the things I am most worried about. We can keep this as a general 


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