Google needs to realize that smart phones are the next wave
of personal computers and start treating Android phones as a computer
with a phone attached rather than a phone with fairly impressive
compute power.

The outcome of this line of thought is understanding that google
does not know what the next killer app will be and what resources
it will need to accomplish its task.  Probabily users will need more
control over the phone to install potentially root privleged programs
and device driver, developers will need access to all the hardware
perpherials (USB, Bluetooth...)  Think of it a a Linux computer with
a phone attached.

Additionally the Dalvik VM is very slow which is jeopardizing
the platforms viability for anything more than simple image
manapilation via GL.  Java did not take off for Sun until sun
got JIT working well.  The same will need to happen for Dalvik.

On Mar 17, 6:31 pm, Schiffres <> wrote:
> This is a message to all other Android Developers, bloggers, or
> interest groups.  Unfortunately, it is rather evident that, for a
> myriad of reasons, Android as an OS simply isn't on the same level as
> the iPhone in what it offers, what it can do, how it runs, etc. etc.
> As a full supporter of most everything Google endeavors to take on, I
> am gleeful to see Android, an open source competitor challenging the
> iPhone.  Google has brilliant engineers, a plethora of resources, and
> the flexibility to test and experiment wacky ideas that become the
> technological standard of tomorrow.  So why isn't Android commensurate
> to the iPhone?  My opinion is that it's because Google doesn't make
> any, even a small stream, of revenue from Android, which is a major
> disincentive and makes it economically infeasible and to pour
> resources into it to make it the best and most competitive possible OS
> it can be.  While I hope Google addresses this issue in the future, we
> need to make it easy for the current Google engineers to create a
> competitive project, and that means, in the true spirit of open
> source, we must contribute.  So developers, educated Android savvy
> technological wizards, come together, and below post everything you
> would want to see in an Android update to both put Android on par with
> the iPhone, and push it beyond.  Put ideas that well up on the brink
> of your imagination below, think up the next big idea, the brilliant
> feature that'll make Android the unparalleled smart phone champion.
> Once Android is more popular, better phones will be made for it, it'll
> have more developers, and Google will invest more money in it, but we
> need to give it that first push.  Below, use our collective wisdom and
> create a single thread that will document all the features, all the
> tools, the code libraries, etc. etc. that we want to see in Android,
> and when our thread gets large enough, Google won't be able to help
> but notice, and address our needs, our desires, and our demands!
> "You must be the change you wish to see in the world" - Mahatma Gandhi
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