If it doesn't work, it gets rated low. If it takes hours to set itself
up (I'm looking at you local-radio-cache-app) it gets given up on and
rated low. (Hours of downloads, on a link that can pull an entire
ubuntu dvd in a few minutes..)  Any app that goes all FC after the
first page (ahem, awesome-looking monster card game list) gets low

I think the biggest two problems with the -number- of reviewers is
that getting an app to actually install is a mess (I have only had one
install via ADP app, and one that wouldn't install at -all- after
trying half the weekend) and not that many people know it is there to
begin with..

On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 12:21 AM, Rud <rudmerr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I agree. I wish the judging app allowed something like 5 apps to be
> queued on the phone. There are some I skipped because I didn't have
> time to explore them right now but did want to see what else is being
> offered. I'm hoping some of the skipped ones will reappear at some
> point.
> Rud
> On Sep 27, 9:03 pm, "Maps.Huge.Info (Maps API Guru)"
> <cor...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > I wonder how many of the users judging the applications have submitted
>> > their own applications and are just voting other applications down to
>> > improve their own chances of winning...
>> That's a rather cynical view, however, one that's probably close to
>> the mark in a lot of cases.
>> I've been testing apps since the judging began and frankly, the
>> judging app is slanted toward apps that can produce the desired result
>> with little or no user interaction or understanding of what the app
>> does. If you require the user to actually understand what you're
>> offering, with registration and other details, you're in for a bad
>> time in ADC2. I think it was probably less than ideal that the judging
>> app can only work one article at a time. It might have been more fair
>> and even if it could have held a universe of apps the user would like
>> to try out.
>> -John Coryat
>> "Radar Now!"
>> "What Zip Code?"
> >

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