Thanks Xavier,
I use these command

>> apkbuilder.bat %FILE_NAME% -u -rf  "./project_folder"


>> keytool -genkey -v -keystore "path_to_my_keystore.keystore" -alias my_alias 
>> -keyalg RSA -validity 10000

then input some information... The result is like this : "Generating
1,024 bit RSA key pair and self-signed certificate (SHA1withRSA) with
a validity of 10,000 days".

>> jarsigner -verbose -keystore "path_to_my_keystore.keystore" %FILE_NAME% 
>> my_alias

then enter correct passphrase...
The result is an APK file with sign.

But when I install this APK to emulator/device, It fail with message

So now, I don't know how to continue...
Please help me ...
Thanks in advance. :).

On Sep 29, 9:32 am, Xavier Ducrohet <> wrote:
> Use the -u option to create an unsigned package and then call
> jarsigner to sign the generated apk.
> On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 6:52 PM, HandsomeboyIT <> 
> wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> > I want to build the .apk file from java binary file (.class) or .dex
> > file. I have copied the bin+res folder and Manifest.xml file to a
> > specified folder. and run the command :
> > [apkbuilder.bat %FILE_NAME%  -rf  "./src_folderr"]
> > this command build the new .APK file with default keystore...
> > But I want to build the APK with me generated keystore, with command
> > line as this :
> > [apkbuilder.bat %FILE_NAME%  -rf  "./src_folder" -storetype
> > path_to_my_release_keystore.keystore]
> > but it can not find my keystore with
> > " : release.keystore not found"
> > How can I build APK file with my keystore file ???
> > Thanks.
> --
> Xavier Ducrohet
> Android SDK Tech Lead
> Google Inc.
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