On 05/13/2011 06:16 AM, hedwin wrote:
> Well, zygoto does start but after some time it just exits, and after 4
> times the service manager will reboot the system.
> There is no info in logcat or dmesg that provides any feedback about why
> zygoto did exit.
> Don't think that init.rc is the problem, booting the same android system
> with 2.6.32 is just fine.

For startup problems, make sure to set "loglevel 7"
in /init.rc

And a really good way to delve into the system is with strace.

This should be particularly useful for this problem, since
it appears it's some interaction between the user-space
and the kernel, which is exactly what strace instruments.
(well... minus the page faults)

Use it with both 2.6.32 and whatever kernel is failing,
and compare the results

To use strace to trace zygote, just use it as a wrapper
in /init.rc.

service zygote /system/bin/app_process -Xzygote /system/bin --zygote 


service zygote /system/xbin/strace -f -tt -o /cache/debug/boot.strace 
/system/bin/app_process -Xzygote /system/bin --zygote --start-system-server

/cache/debug/boot.strace is a writable place on my hardware
with lots of space - you can use any output path you want.

Then adb pull the boot.strace file to the host, and start comparing.

I hope this helps.
 -- Tim

Tim Bird
Architecture Group Chair, CE Workgroup of the Linux Foundation
Senior Staff Engineer, Sony Network Entertainment

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