I had the same idea. Unfortunately strace is built with android libs, so it
doesn't work. I even changed it to statically linked, no go. Same binaries
work on all manner of kernels I have. .27, .35. no .39.

On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 12:26 PM, Tim Bird <tim.b...@am.sony.com> wrote:

> On 05/13/2011 06:16 AM, hedwin wrote:
> > Well, zygoto does start but after some time it just exits, and after 4
> > times the service manager will reboot the system.
> >
> > There is no info in logcat or dmesg that provides any feedback about why
> > zygoto did exit.
> >
> > Don't think that init.rc is the problem, booting the same android system
> > with 2.6.32 is just fine.
> For startup problems, make sure to set "loglevel 7"
> in /init.rc
> And a really good way to delve into the system is with strace.
> This should be particularly useful for this problem, since
> it appears it's some interaction between the user-space
> and the kernel, which is exactly what strace instruments.
> (well... minus the page faults)
> Use it with both 2.6.32 and whatever kernel is failing,
> and compare the results
> To use strace to trace zygote, just use it as a wrapper
> in /init.rc.
> Change:
> service zygote /system/bin/app_process -Xzygote /system/bin --zygote
> --start-system-server
> to
> service zygote /system/xbin/strace -f -tt -o /cache/debug/boot.strace
> /system/bin/app_process -Xzygote /system/bin --zygote --start-system-server
> /cache/debug/boot.strace is a writable place on my hardware
> with lots of space - you can use any output path you want.
> Then adb pull the boot.strace file to the host, and start comparing.
> I hope this helps.
>  -- Tim
> =============================
> Tim Bird
> Architecture Group Chair, CE Workgroup of the Linux Foundation
> Senior Staff Engineer, Sony Network Entertainment
> =============================
> --
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