
I have built Android for eee PC using the instructions at the start of
this thread.

I have converted the installer.img to a .vdi file using:

# vboxmanage convertdd installer.img eeepc_disk.vdi

I am now running this image on Virtualbox 2.1.0 on WinXP. These are my
steps and observations:

1. When I start the VM, it hangs on Grub Loading stage 2..

2. I press F12 to enter the menu and it shows the following:

               0: sys_loader

               1: recovery

               2: std_boot

3. Option "2" is selected by default. But it doesnot work. Neither
does option "1". The errors are as follows:

       Option "1":

               Booting `recovery`

               cmdline (hd0,1)/cmdline

               Error 15: File not found

       Option "2":

               Booting `std_boot`

               cmdline (hd0,2)/cmdline

               Error 22: No such partition

Where can I change the default to 0 ? (I tried looking for "menu.lst"
file. But couldnt find it)

4. I then run the "/system/bin/installer -p /dev/block/sda2" for my
partition. It gives an error that the total requested size is greater
than the disk size (My image size is 387 MB and it is looking for arnd
1.5GB space). Do I need to pad my image ?

Best Regards,


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