For some reason, android on virtualbox never worked for me. I got the
same errors u r getting. So i made a live usb and that works fine.


On Jan 8, 7:10 am, Midhun <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have built Android for eee PC using the instructions at the start of
> this thread.
> I have converted the installer.img to a .vdi file using:
> # vboxmanage convertdd installer.img eeepc_disk.vdi
> I am now running this image on Virtualbox 2.1.0 on WinXP. These are my
> steps and observations:
> 1. When I start the VM, it hangs on Grub Loading stage 2..
> 2. I press F12 to enter the menu and it shows the following:
>                0: sys_loader
>                1: recovery
>                2: std_boot
> 3. Option "2" is selected by default. But it doesnot work. Neither
> does option "1". The errors are as follows:
>        Option "1":
>                Booting `recovery`
>                cmdline (hd0,1)/cmdline
>                Error 15: File not found
>        Option "2":
>                Booting `std_boot`
>                cmdline (hd0,2)/cmdline
>                Error 22: No such partition
> Where can I change the default to 0 ? (I tried looking for "menu.lst"
> file. But couldnt find it)
> 4. I then run the "/system/bin/installer -p /dev/block/sda2" for my
> partition. It gives an error that the total requested size is greater
> than the disk size (My image size is 387 MB and it is looking for arnd
> 1.5GB space). Do I need to pad my image ?
> Best Regards,
> Midhun.

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