Sorry, I forgot to put the required information to that step:

After that, you should save the .config
$make bzImage
Then copy the kernel to vendor/asus/eee_701
$cp arch/x86/boot/bzImage ../vendor/asus/eee_701/kernel

Then you can start build the installer_img again. After that use your
installer.img to install in vmware/virtualbox again.

Hope it helps!

On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 12:21 PM, gowtham gowda <> wrote:
> After "make menuconfig"
> should we just save .config file or should we run "make" to compile a
> new kernel.
> Thanks,
> Gowtham
> On Jan 9, 3:28 am, "Chen Yang" <> wrote:
>> Some additions to build the kernel for VMWare/VirtualBox:
>> Hope it helps:
>> $cd mydroid
>> $cp vendor/asus/eee_701/kernel.config kernel/.config
>> $cd kernel
>> $make menuconfig
>> Select the device drivers:
>> For network card:
>>  network device support ->
>>    Ethernet (10 or 100Mbit)  --->
>>        [*]   EISA, VLB, PCI and on board controllers
>>       <*>     AMD PCnet32 PCI support
>> For VESAFB:
>>   Graphics support  --->
>>    <*>  Support for frame buffer devices  --->
>>           [*]   VESA VGA graphics support
>>   Console display driver support  --->
>>          <*> Framebuffer Console support
>>          [*] Select compiled-in fonts
>>          [*]   VGA 8x8 font
>>          [*]   VGA 8x16 font
>> In order to build correctly with 2.6.27, you may apply the patch from 
>> here:
>> For command line option of vga=788, several approaches:
>> 1. append the option when the system boots, when it shows the menu,
>> you can press 'e' to edit the default entry(2). then 'd' to delete the
>> first option line: "cmdline ... ", then 'e' the 0 entry, which is the
>> line of " kernel --use-cmd ...",
>>   remove the "--use-cmd-line" and append the option
>> "androidboot.hardware=eee_701 vga=788" at end of that line
>>   then choose boot. It will enter the vesafb mode correctly. But you
>> may need to edit it every time when boot.
>> 2. modify the cmdline in /dev/block/sda3, you can mount it after you
>> have successfully boot. to append "vga=788" to cmdline file:
>> #mkdir /data/boot
>> #mount -t ext2 /dev/block/sda3 /data/boot
>> #echo " vga=788" >/data/boot/cmdline
>> #umount /data/boot
>> then reboot the vm
>> 3. modify the cmdline creation step in the build, i think you can get
>> the in bootable/diskinstaller/, then you may need to rebuild
>> the instaler.img and reinstall it to your vm.
>> Hope it helps!
>> --
>>  Chen
>> On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 9:23 AM, rukiman <> wrote:
>> > I have got as far as booting Android in VMware thanks to Chen Yang's
>> > post above. I replaced mydroid/vendor/asus/
>> > eee_701/ kernel with that of Stargatto's posted above. However booting
>> > up Android with VMware keeps giving me the below error over and over.
>> > SurfaceFlinger[XXXX]: segfault at 38 ip XXXXXXXX sp XXXXXXXX error 4
>> > in[80100000+49000]
>> > Perphaps my kernel is not ok? How do I build a kernel with VESAFB and
>> > network drivers and where do I specify vga=788? I do not know much
>> > about building kernels so if someone could provide a guide that would
>> > be great.
>> >> 1. Be sure to compile the kernel with VESAFB and add the vga=788 with in
>> >> cmdline. 800x600 seems to be a quite usable resolution, for 1024x768 and
>> >> above resolutions, you may meet some performance or execution issues.
>> >> 2. If you want to use network, you may need to compile the AMD PCNET32
>> >> driver.
> >


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