Well you really wouldn't want to have "overlay" code for that kind of thing
anyway, because your overlay would end up having a copy of whatever the code
was at the point you made it, and wouldn't track later changes that happen
to it.  That's really no different than forking, but just in a less rigorous
and safe way.

Unfortunately I am not a git expert to help out with this...  I am pretty
sure the build system doesn't have a way to automatically apply a patch,

On Sat, Aug 21, 2010 at 4:33 AM, Al Sutton <a...@funkyandroid.com> wrote:

> [copied to list]
> I'm a fan of the KISS principal, so if I can reduce the number of
> repositories involved then I tend to head that way.
> One of the patches we have to make is a single line change to a two files
> (we could do it in one, but it's for frameworks/policies/base so we do it in
> both the mid and phone profiles). Unfortunately, we have to fork and
> maintain a whole repository for the project just because of the one line
> change, and that, to me, seems like a lot of overhead (you can see the patch
> at
> http://www.gitorious.org/openaos-testing/frameworks_policies_base/commit/51dcc06ce534fee03dd356e788535ba17c7f39e5
> )
> If that's the way it needs to be done, then that's the way it needs to be
> done, but it would make things simpler from an admin and maintenance point
> of view if everyone on the OpenAOS project could use the "standard" repo and
> have the one line patch applied.
> Al.
> --
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> Funky Android Limited is registered in England & Wales with the company
> number  6741909.
> The views expressed in this email are those of the author and not
> necessarily those of Funky Android Limited, it's associates, or
> it's subsidiaries.
> On 21 Aug 2010, at 11:11, Magnus Bäck wrote:
> On Saturday, August 21, 2010 at 09:51 CEST,
>     Al Sutton <a...@funkyandroid.com> wrote:
> We've ended up with a forked repository at the moment. The main
> problem with post checkout patching (or file copying) is that repo
> will then refuse to update the files due to detecting local changes.
> Easily fixed with git stash.
> The ideal system would allow us to continue to use repo to keep the
> checked out tree up to date and apply the required changes during a
> build so we can keep all our changes in the vendor/xxx tree. Is that
> possible with the current build system?
> Don't fight the system. You are de facto branching the git in question,
> so use the facilities for branching that Repo and Git provide. If it's
> just your personal changes you can simply commit them on a topic branch
> and Repo will automatically rebase it for you each time you sync. If
> it's a shared branch you probably want to set up a manifest branch where
> you change the `revision' attribut to point to the shared branch. You
> could also use a local manifest to accomplish the same thing. It's hard
> to be more specific without details about your environment.
> --
> Magnus Bäck                      Opinions are my own and do not necessarily
> SW Configuration Manager         represent the ones of my employer, etc.
> Sony Ericsson
> --
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Dianne Hackborn
Android framework engineer

Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
answer them.

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