But i don't think so it is important error. When i click Camera App and use 
"dmesg" on terminal, I get log as bellow:
[   71.427124] Hi253: 
[   71.430206] Hi253: hi253_open 
[   71.504150] Hi253: 
[   71.594635] Hi253: 
[   71.598297] Hi253: 
[   71.878417] Hi253: next->token == 
[   71.882873] Hi253: 
[   71.886352] Hi253: 
[   72.011260] Hi253: next->token == 
[   72.015747] Hi253: format 
[   72.020660] Hi253: 
[   72.151855] Hi253: next->token == 
[   73.555114] Hi253: 
[   73.558258] Hi253: hi253_open 
[   73.606994] Hi253: 
[   73.610992] Hi253: Exit hi253_get_pad_format   

But on my logcat terminal:
D/****CameraHAL( 1110): cameraHal BACK 0
D/****CameraHAL( 1110): cameraHal 0
V/CameraHolder( 1831): open camera 0
D/****CameraHAL( 1110): cameraHal BACK 0
D/****CameraHAL( 1110): cameraHal 0
I/CameraService( 1110): Opening camera 0
I/****CameraHAL( 1110): camera_device open
E/CameraHardware( 1110): version >= KERNEL_VERSION(2,6,37)
E/V4L2Camera( 1110): Open
E/V4L2Camera( 1110): Open_media_device
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): pads for entity 1=
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): (0 INPUT) 
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): (1 OUTPUT) 
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): [1:1]===>[5:0]
D/V4L2Camera( 1110):     INACTIVE 
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): pads for entity 2=
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): (0 OUTPUT) 
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): [2:0]===>[1:0]
D/V4L2Camera( 1110):     INACTIVE 
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): pads for entity 3=
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): (0 INPUT) 
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): (1 OUTPUT) 
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): [3:1]===>[4:0]
D/V4L2Camera( 1110):     INACTIVE 
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): [3:1]===>[5:0]
D/V4L2Camera( 1110):     INACTIVE 
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): pads for entity 4=
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): (0 INPUT) 
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): pads for entity 5=
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): (0 INPUT) 
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): (1 OUTPUT) 
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): (2 OUTPUT) 
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): [5:1]===>[6:0]
D/V4L2Camera( 1110):     INACTIVE 
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): [5:2]===>[7:0]
D/V4L2Camera( 1110):     INACTIVE 
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): [5:1]===>[10:0]
D/V4L2Camera( 1110):     INACTIVE 
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): [5:2]===>[13:0]
D/V4L2Camera( 1110):     ACTIVE
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): [5:2]===>[14:0]
D/V4L2Camera( 1110):     ACTIVE
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): [5:2]===>[15:0]
D/V4L2Camera( 1110):     ACTIVE
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): pads for entity 6=
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): (0 INPUT) 
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): pads for entity 7=
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): (0 INPUT) 
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): (1 OUTPUT) 
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): [7:1]===>[9:0]
D/V4L2Camera( 1110):     INACTIVE 
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): [7:1]===>[10:0]
D/V4L2Camera( 1110):     INACTIVE 
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): pads for entity 8=
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): (0 OUTPUT) 
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): [8:0]===>[7:0]
D/V4L2Camera( 1110):     INACTIVE 
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): pads for entity 9=
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): (0 INPUT) 
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): pads for entity 10=
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): (0 INPUT) 
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): (1 OUTPUT) 
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): [10:1]===>[12:0]
D/V4L2Camera( 1110):     INACTIVE 
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): pads for entity 11=
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): (0 OUTPUT) 
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): [11:0]===>[10:0]
D/V4L2Camera( 1110):     INACTIVE 
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): pads for entity 12=
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): (0 INPUT) 
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): pads for entity 13=
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): (0 INPUT) 
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): pads for entity 14=
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): (0 INPUT) 
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): pads for entity 15=
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): (0 INPUT) 
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): pads for entity 16=
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): (0 OUTPUT) 
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): [16:0]===>[5:0]
D/V4L2Camera( 1110):     INACTIVE 
D/dalvikvm( 1831): GC_CONCURRENT freed 231K, 10% free 5552K/6151K, paused 
17ms+32ms, total 196ms
D/dalvikvm( 1831): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 59K, 10% free 5581K/6151K, paused 
36ms, total 37ms
I/dalvikvm-heap( 1831): Grow heap (frag case) to 6.584MB for 830224-byte 
D/dalvikvm( 1831): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1K, 9% free 6390K/6983K, paused 
14ms+15ms, total 54ms
D/dalvikvm( 1831): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 35ms
D/dalvikvm( 1831): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 0K, 9% free 6391K/6983K, paused 33ms, 
total 33ms
I/dalvikvm-heap( 1831): Grow heap (frag case) to 7.028MB for 467008-byte 
D/dalvikvm( 1831): GC_CONCURRENT freed 0K, 9% free 6847K/7495K, paused 
24ms+2ms, total 98ms
D/dalvikvm( 1831): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 33ms
E/CameraHardware( 1110): initDefaultParameters
D/CameraHardware( 1110): Set Parameter...!! 
D/CameraHardware( 1110): PreviewFormat yuv422sp
D/CameraHardware( 1110): PictureFormat jpeg
D/CameraHardware( 1110): preview width:640,height:480
D/CameraHardware( 1110): picture width:640,height:480
D/CameraHardware( 1110): FRAMERATE 15
D/CameraHardware( 1110): Picture Size by CamHAL 640 x 480
D/CameraHardware( 1110): Preview Resolution by CamHAL 640 x 480
D/CameraHardware( 1110): enableMsgType:3085
I/AwesomePlayer( 1110): 
E/WVMExtractor( 1110): Failed to open
I/AwesomePlayer( 1110): 
E/WVMExtractor( 1110): Failed to open
D/dalvikvm( 1831): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 832K, 20% free 6055K/7495K, paused 
87ms, total 87ms
D/CameraHardware( 1110): Set Parameter...!! 
D/CameraHardware( 1110): PreviewFormat yuv422sp
D/CameraHardware( 1110): PictureFormat jpeg
D/CameraHardware( 1110): preview width:640,height:480
D/CameraHardware( 1110): picture width:640,height:480
D/CameraHardware( 1110): FRAMERATE 15
D/CameraHardware( 1110): Picture Size by CamHAL 640 x 480
D/CameraHardware( 1110): Preview Resolution by CamHAL 640 x 480
D/CameraHardware( 1110): Set Parameter...!! 
D/CameraHardware( 1110): PreviewFormat yuv422sp
D/CameraHardware( 1110): PictureFormat jpeg
D/CameraHardware( 1110): preview width:640,height:480
D/CameraHardware( 1110): picture width:640,height:480
D/CameraHardware( 1110): FRAMERATE 15
D/CameraHardware( 1110): Picture Size by CamHAL 640 x 480
D/CameraHardware( 1110): Preview Resolution by CamHAL 640 x 480
D/dalvikvm( 1831): GC_CONCURRENT freed 3K, 13% free 6563K/7495K, paused 
12ms+12ms, total 51ms
D/dalvikvm( 1831): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 30ms
D/dalvikvm( 1831): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 323K, 17% free 6240K/7495K, paused 
26ms, total 26ms
D/dalvikvm( 1831): GC_CONCURRENT freed <1K, 10% free 6751K/7495K, paused 
17ms+13ms, total 102ms
D/dalvikvm( 1831): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 65ms
D/dalvikvm( 1831): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 333K, 15% free 6435K/7495K, paused 
75ms, total 76ms
D/dalvikvm( 1831): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed <1K, 10% free 6758K/7495K, paused 
15ms, total 15ms
I/dalvikvm-heap( 1831): Grow heap (frag case) to 7.120MB for 186432-byte 
D/dalvikvm( 1831): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 0K, 10% free 6940K/7687K, paused 
18ms, total 18ms
D/dalvikvm( 1831): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 323K, 14% free 6617K/7687K, paused 
31ms, total 39ms
D/dalvikvm( 1831): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed <1K, 10% free 6941K/7687K, paused 
84ms, total 84ms
V/StateManager( 1831): startState class
V/NFC     ( 1831): this device does not have NFC support
D/OrientationManager( 1831): lock orientation to landscape
D/dalvikvm( 1831): GC_CONCURRENT freed 503K, 12% free 6960K/7879K, paused 
18ms+34ms, total 132ms
D/CameraHardware( 1110): Set Parameter...!! 
D/CameraHardware( 1110): PreviewFormat yuv422sp
D/CameraHardware( 1110): PictureFormat jpeg
D/CameraHardware( 1110): preview width:640,height:480
D/CameraHardware( 1110): picture width:640,height:480
D/CameraHardware( 1110): FRAMERATE 15
D/CameraHardware( 1110): Picture Size by CamHAL 640 x 480
D/CameraHardware( 1110): Preview Resolution by CamHAL 640 x 480
V/camera  ( 1831): Preview size is 640x480
D/CameraHardware( 1110): Set Parameter...!! 
D/CameraHardware( 1110): PreviewFormat yuv422sp
D/CameraHardware( 1110): PictureFormat jpeg
D/CameraHardware( 1110): preview width:640,height:480
D/CameraHardware( 1110): picture width:640,height:480
D/CameraHardware( 1110): FRAMERATE 15
D/CameraHardware( 1110): Picture Size by CamHAL 640 x 480
D/CameraHardware( 1110): Preview Resolution by CamHAL 640 x 480
D/****CameraHAL( 1110): cameraHal BACK 0
D/****CameraHAL( 1110): cameraHal 0
D/****CameraHAL( 1110): cameraHal BACK 0
D/****CameraHAL( 1110): cameraHal 0
V/camera  ( 1831): Preview size is 640x480
D/CameraHardware( 1110): Set Parameter...!! 
D/CameraHardware( 1110): PreviewFormat yuv422sp
D/CameraHardware( 1110): PictureFormat jpeg
D/CameraHardware( 1110): preview width:640,height:480
D/CameraHardware( 1110): picture width:640,height:480
D/CameraHardware( 1110): FRAMERATE 15
D/CameraHardware( 1110): Picture Size by CamHAL 640 x 480
D/CameraHardware( 1110): Preview Resolution by CamHAL 640 x 480
W/****CameraHAL( 1110): ----Preview not Enabled----
V/camera  ( 1831): startPreview
W/****CameraHAL( 1110): ----Preview not Enabled----
E/CameraHardware( 1110): setPreviewWindow
D/****CameraHAL( 1110): Exiting the function
E/CameraHardware( 1110): startPreview
E/V4L2Camera( 1110): Open
D/dalvikvm( 1325): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 1ms
D/CameraHardware( 1110): startPreview width:640,height:480
E/V4L2Camera( 1110): Configure
D/V4L2Camera( 1110): CameraConfigure PreviewFormat: w=640 h=480
E/V4L2Camera( 1110): BufferMap
E/V4L2Camera( 1110): StartStreaming
E/V4L2Camera( 1110): StartStreaming: Unable to start capture: Broken pipe
E/V4L2Camera( 1110): VietHQ: Toi khong muon hien len dong nay!
E/CameraHardware( 1110): Camera StartStreaming fail: Broken pipe
E/V4L2Camera( 1110): Uninit

Why I can't streaming video? Do you know set format color for camera as VGA 
(640x420), HD720 (1280x720) on driver? When streaming video, hi253 camera 
driver will run what function? 
Help me, i am stucking. thanks for your share.
Hoang Quoc Viet.

Vào 04:29:19 UTC+7 Thứ năm, ngày 06 tháng mười một năm 2014, ckkeo đã viết:
> Check the camera Service Provider.
> It seems not being loaded for some reason!
> W/Launcher.LauncherProvider( 1677): Unable to add favorite: 
> W/Launcher.LauncherProvider( 1677): 
> ComponentInfo{}
> W/Launcher.LauncherProvider( 1677):     at 
> W/Launcher.LauncherProvider( 1677):     at 
> W/Launcher.LauncherProvider( 1677):     at 
> W/Launcher.LauncherProvider( 1677):     at 
> W/Launcher.LauncherProvider( 1677):     at 
> W/Launcher.LauncherProvider( 1677):     at 
> W/Launcher.LauncherProvider( 1677):     at 
> W/Launcher.LauncherProvider( 1677):     at 
> W/Launcher.LauncherProvider( 1677):     at 
> android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
> W/Launcher.LauncherProvider( 1677):     at 
> android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
> W/Launcher.LauncherProvider( 1677):     at 
> android.os.Looper.loop(
> W/Launcher.LauncherProvider( 1677):     at 
> Chinda
> Le 05/11/2014 11:27, Việt Hoàng a écrit :
> Hi cckeo,
> Thank you for last your reply,
> I get error as follow: 
> E/V4L2Camera( 1110): StartStreaming: Unable to start capture: Broken pipe 
> E/CameraHardware( 1110): Camera StartStreaming fail: Broken pipe
> When i posting driver hi253 camera, i get device /dev/video2. HAL Camera 
> can open device and read/write register on Camera. But i can't streaming 
> video.
> I attacted logboot.txt and logcat.txt. Please help me resolve my issue.
> Thanks,
> Hoang Quoc Viet.
> Vào 20:15:08 UTC+7 Thứ hai, ngày 27 tháng mười năm 2014, ckkeo đã viết: 
> Hi,
> Sorry for the late answer (holiday in France).
> Related to your questions:
> #1.  In your log file, I saw the message "omap3_init_camera successful!", 
> but I doubt about this message because if it is really successful then you 
> should able to register the sub i2c subdevice with V4l2 device driver. 
> Narrow down the problem by just comment out all the v4l2 staffs in the 
> platform layer, BUT make sur that all th Camera's ID information are set 
> correctly to see if the Device driver will be loaded (because in your log, 
> I don(t see any message from the camera device driver) by the system and 
> the probe function is called (add as much the printk to check). 
> There might have 2 potential reasons for your fails:
>        a. the Camera's gpios are incorrectly set.
>             Check the gpios settings.
>             Check the i2c has been configured appropriately for your 
> camera device (e.g type, index, clock, etc ...)
>        b. the Camera has been initialized too early VS the v4l2 core layer 
> within the plat-form driver.
>             If this is the case then all the v4l2 registrations need to be 
> done in the Camara's "device driver" initialization and not in the platform.
> #2. my comments are in the answer #1-b
> #3. The reason that you can't read/write is because the Device Driver has 
> not been loaded and initialized (check answer #1).
> #4. All your problems lead to the answer in #1.
> Tips:
> Don't hesitate to add as much printk in your code (on only just for the 
> status success/failed).
> Hope this help.
> Chinda
> Le 21/10/2014 02:30, Việt Hoàng a écrit :
>  Thanks for your reply,
>  I have attached files include: hi253.c driver and hi253_log, 
> board-omap3beagle.c (file board config) and board-omap3beagle-camera.c 
> (file init camera).
>  1. My log give error: isp_register_subdev_group: Unable to register 
> subdev hi253
>  In isp.c file check board_info and give me this error:
>  subdev = v4l2_i2c_new_subdev_board(&isp->v4l2_int_device, adapter,
>                 board_info->board_info, NULL, 1);
>         if (subdev == NULL) {
>             printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Unable to register subdev %s\n",
>                 __func__, board_info->board_info->type);
>             continue;
>         }
>         if (first)
>             sensor = subdev;
>  2. hi253 driver use struct v4l2_int_device, i think convert to 
> v4l2_subdev. is it should done?
>  3. in hi253_write_reg function and hi253_read_reg, i can't read or write 
> to register of hi253. I don't have any solution for this. Please help me.
>  4. When i can sue i2c_tool get, set, dump, detect hi253 camera ? Only 
> support power and clock( MCLK=24Mhz), that i done but i don't use i2cdump, 
> i2cget, i2cset. It give error: Device bussy.
>  Thanks,
>  Viet.
> 2014-10-20 17:38 GMT+07:00 ckkeo <>:
>  In order to help, Please provide more details and attach logs file???
> Meanwhile, you can check these below points:
>   1 - Does the platform layer apply the correct power level to all 
> sections of the Camera HW?
>   2 - Are all appropriated ID information (of the camera) being added to 
> the Device Driver, in order, for the "probe" routine  to correctly detecte 
> and intialize the HW. 
>   3 - Does the Firmeware (if any) have been downloaded successfully into 
> the HW.
>   4 - And finally check if the Device Drive has been successfully loaded 
> by the kernel and the driver has initialized the HW without any errors.
> Chinda
> Le 19/10/2014 10:24, Việt Hoàng a écrit :
>  Hi cckeo,
> I have tried to use i2c-tool for detect, get, set register on hi253 camera 
> but it not work. I use this patch for add hi253 Camera on kernel configure: 
> Why i can't detect Camera sensor although i have supported Power sequence, 
> MCLK (24MHz) for it ?
> Vào 21:27:52 UTC+7 Thứ năm, ngày 18 tháng chín năm 2014, ckkeo đã viết: 
> Check the 3 points below:
> a- Your camera driver source code came from hi253 and have been patched 
> against <kernel>/drivers/media/<where, which file>? 
>      You have to look for the "device node" in this code, the HAL layer 
> will need it to open and access to the Hi253 device driver.
> b- Your plateform driver (in <kernel>/arch/arm/mach-omap2/xxxxx.c) has 
> been patched:
>      Check all gpios are correctly mapped for the Hi253.
>      Based on your Ti doc for the panther plateform, the i2c should be OK, 
> but you have to check the schematic for the // bus part.
> c - You can start implementing the Hi253 HAL layer inspiring from mt9v113 
> source code:
>      - Open the correct V4L2 device node (check how the device driver (#a) 
> is set for it).
>      - Open/Close/Read/Write on V4L2 are quite standard, but NOT the ops 
> (ioctl) which should be handle according to the Hi253 specifications in the 
> camera HAL interface.
>  Hope this point you to the right direction.
> Chinda
> Le jeudi 18 septembre 2014 03:42:52 UTC+2, Việt Hoàng a écrit : 
> Hi cckeo,
> I don't have hi253 HAL code. I am editing Camera HAL code that supported 
> by TI (or Jorjin, i uncertain): 
> On folder <panther-bsp>/hardware/ti/omap3/camera.
> But i am stucking in here. I am reading and trying to understand code but 
> it is difficult with me. Thanks for your share.
> Do you have other idea?
> Thanks,
> Do your best, the rest you come!
> Hoang Quoc Viet.
> Vào 21:47:10 UTC+7 Thứ tư, ngày 17 tháng chín năm 2014, chinda keodouangsy 
> đã viết: 
>  OK, your hi253 driver seems to intialize and drive correctly the i2c and 
> the // data bus.
> Can you show me your hi253 HAL code? Do you have it?
> Le 16/09/2014 05:07, Việt Hoàng a écrit :
> <>
> Thanks for your reply!
> 1. Here this connector I used. Hi253 Camera connect with DM3730 AP Module 
> through I2C Bus and Parallel Interface (CAM D2,...,CAM D9) as above image. 
> 2. Here Source code Hi253 Driver that I use: 
> Have you give me any advise?
> Vào 10:00:55 UTC+7 Thứ hai, ngày 15 tháng chín năm 2014, chinda 
> keodouangsy đã viết: 
>  That's lead to the question I've asked before, as there are some Hardware 
> dependencies: 
>         -   *** How do you connect the hi253 camera to your board?  
>            Check the vendor document to know on which bus (USB, PCI or 
> i2c) the hi253 used to connect to the system. 
>            Normally the hi253 code should help you to identify the bus 
> used to connect to the system. 
>  What is for sure is that the mt9v113 does use i2c bus to connect to the 
> system (e.g. your board). 
> Le 12/09/2014 09:50, Việt Hoàng a écrit :
> I have checked existing HAL camera on Link that I posted. But on file: 
> V4L2camera.cpp only support 3 sensor camera: mt9v113, mt9t111, tvp514x. 
> 1 - On hi253 driver, it register with v4l2 interface with funtion: 
>         - v4l2_int_device_register(&hi253_int_device);
> 2 - On mt9v113 driver, it register with v4l2 inter with 2 functions:
>         - /*
>      * Register as a subdev
>      */
>     v4l2_i2c_subdev_init(&mt9v113->subdev, client, &mt9v113_ops);
>     mt9v113->subdev.flags |= V4L2_SUBDEV_FL_HAS_DEVNODE;
>     /*
>      * Register as media entity
>      */
>     mt9v113->pad.flags = MEDIA_PAD_FLAG_OUTPUT;
>     ret = media_entity_init(&mt9v113->subdev.entity, 1, &mt9v113->pad, 0); 
> f
> I don't understand about this different. I am stucking here. Can you show 
> me a solution?
> Vào 23:35:40 UTC+7 Thứ ba, ngày 09 tháng chín năm 2014, ckkeo đã viết: 
>  I just answered your other thread!
> Did you have any camera comes with your board today?
> Check and locate your existing HAL camera source code. (i.e. Did you see 
> any camera folder within the <panther-bsp>/hardware folder ?)
> Sure that it's better if you can get the HAL code from the vendor. (make 
> sure that the HAL can drive the V4L2 driver).
> Chinda
> Le 09/09/2014 11:04, Việt Hoàng a écrit :
> Thank you verry much!
> I am clearly steps in integrate process.
> I was success re-build kernel that add hi-253 driver. But i don't 
> understand about:
>  1 -  Is Hi-253 driver compatibility with HAL camera at patch: 
> or i have to contact with vendors for HAL camera?
> Thank you!
> Regards,
> VietHQ
> Do your best, the rest you come!
> Vào 04:04:40 UTC+7 Thứ ba, ngày 09 tháng chín năm 2014, ckkeo đã viết: 
>  In clear you have to do these below steps:
> -------------------------  
> The kernel part
> ------------------------
> 1 - Integrate the hi253 device driver into your Panther board kernel
>       a - Add the driver source code to your kernel
>       b - Configure OMAP to recognize your hi253 camera
>       c - Enable the Camera Module to your kernel config
>      The patch for these steps have been provided in the TI's porting 
> guide at this link : 
>      All you have to do is apply the patch to your kernel.
> 2 - Re-build your kernel 
>     You can refer to this link for How to build the kernel : <a 
> moz-do-not-send="true" href="
> target="_blank" onmousedown="this.href='
> <';return>
> true;" onclick="this.href='
> <>
> ...


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