IMHO, gear replacement after large outages is quite relevant: I have seen equipment become unusable after bad power situations (spike, brownout, electrical storms,..) because of el-cheapo power supply/circuitry as well as wired interface circuitry/protection. Certifications in Telco/IoT make that type of gear often better, but those certifcations are a zoo.
- Large organizations will have spares. With ANIMA, those spares should be stored pre-enrolled to avoid MASA/registrar dependency during recovery/replacements: Receive gear on any site (no central provisioning site needed), but unpack, plug in for short period, then stash away. This is imo an easy requirement also useful without desaster requirements - aka: enrolled spares would likely also have better theft/abuse protection than non-enrolled. And yes, you will have to power up these spares once a year. Which IMHO is ok. And of course certs should therefore be somewhat longer than 1 year). - If sparing would be cross-locations (eg: spares sent from some site to other sites during recovery), then its important that the ANIMA certs do not include any location specific attributes that would prohibit thart movement. So far BRSKY does not include any such attributes, but in discussions, three has been interest to lock into the cert some device role specific attributes, and for a spare piecce of equipment, those attributes may not be predetermined. Aka: Desaster sparing means domain certs need to be simple, devices reuseable across domain. - If spares are done by a shared facility: vendor, FEMO (for fed networks) or the like, one could think of that entity offering (emergency) enrolment service. Such an entity would have desaster proof MASA connectivity on site, and the customers would provide it with (emergency) registrar certs. (emergency) meaning that the entity is only permitted to enrol during emergencies, and the customer could be able to verify the emergency entities behavior by pulling from the MASA an audit log. If the customer would give the emergeny registrar credentials cert/private/public-key to the emergeny entities, then the customer itself also has the cert/private-key and could ask the MASA. This option would work with current BRSKY text. I am just not sure about security BCP (having two copies of a public key pair...). - If the shared spare storage facility is Best Buy, and the Jones family wants to replace some electric storm victims @home while their ISP takes its days (my ISP C*...*T took almost 48 hours in one case), then the gear should probably come with a nonceless voucher printed on on a scratcher piece of paper inside the box. Beyond these BRSKY considerations, the next cool ANIMA piece to consider for these use-cases is of course the ASA driven "re-configuration" of the spare device, aka: In larger outages, you should not except the whole network provisioning backend to be up and running. And its IMHO illusionary to expect devices to ONLY be driven from intent for many years (in complex networks... in a clean homenet they are driven by intent today..). Aka: for pre-intent-only desaster proof networks, we'd need: - ASA to cache neighbors configs. - reapply neighbor stored config when replacement gear is inserted. - IMHO: An anima definition for a "device-role-id" which is not the ACP IPv6 address (which will change upon gear replacement without enrolment support). Cheers toerless _______________________________________________ Anima mailing list