Michael Behringer (mbehring) <mbehr...@cisco.com> wrote:
    > I had already sent out an early version of the state machines before,
    > here an update.

    > To the high level state machine, I added a state "Proxy mode". A node
    > is in that state when the ACP is up AND it can see a registrar. Other
    > than that, I think the high level diagram should be ok. Looking for
    > feedback.

I disagree with this state or machine.
The proxy process is, as you described, dependant upon having reached the In
ACP mode, and having discovered a Registrar.  That's true.

Assuming IKEv2 (whether keying IPsec, or keying MACSEC [%])

There is some RPL state machine inside the In ACP state as well, but
I'm not 

But, I wouldn't describe it as a seperate state, rather it's an attribute
of having reached In ACP mode.  I would expect the ACP process, once it has 
been informed by the RPL daemon that it has found a ground RPL DODAG to join,
that it would spawn off the Join Assistant process.

The Join Assistant would then open a TCP socket to receive the GRASP reply
(binding the socket to the ACP ULA address), and then do a GRASP M_DISCOVERY.
Once it gets a response from a Registrar, it would begin listening for New
Node discovery messages and relaying.  This would be a seperate state
machine.  Would you like this in the bootstrapping document?

    > The state machine for the BRSKI pledge (it's a detail on the ANIMA
    > state machine) still has a lot of open questions. Most are under
    > discussion. I tried to illustrate where we have open points.

You have listed:

  mDNS or GRASP? 
  one discovery method for BRSKI and ACP, or several? 
  multicast domain info? 
  packet formats
  Feedback to the pledge? (specifically: Reason for rejection / retry?)

Let me be more specific, because I think these are not open questions.

Discovery of AN peer:

Discovery of Join Assistant by Pledge:
    - GRASP M_FLOOD  (MUST for JA, SHOULD for Pledge)
    - mDNS (SHOULD for JA, MAY for Pledge)

The "multicast domain info" question is vague to me, but if you mean the
multicast scope, it's LL, scope=2.  (scope=1 being host)

Packet formats are determined by GRASP and mDNS.

The feedback to the pledge about rejection would occur inside of EST,
and so is about RFC7030, right?

[%] - Linux now has a MACSEC implementation I noticed. 
    If supporting MACSEC is interesting to many, then we need a KMP for it,
    and we need to negotiate it's use via IKEv2.
    I suggest that a document doing this would not be very long or difficult
    to pass through the IPsec WG.
    If supporting MACSEC is not a priority now, then as long as we negotiate
    the ACP using IKEv2, then we can add it later on rather easily.

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