I had already sent out an early version of the state machines before, here an 

To the high level state machine, I added a state "Proxy mode". A node is in 
that state when the ACP is up AND it can see a registrar. Other than that, I 
think the high level diagram should be ok. Looking for feedback. 

The state machine for the BRSKI pledge (it's a detail on the ANIMA state 
machine) still has a lot of open questions. Most are under discussion. I tried 
to illustrate where we have open points. 

I now tried also a state machine for the ACP. I'd appreciate some feedback on 

To me, the big open things are: 
- nail down discovery protocol and packet formats for both discoveries (for 
bootstrap and ACP). 
- decide which (if any) feedback we want to give to the pledge. 

But, I think these diagrams show nicely how all the drafts fit together, which 
was the purpose of this exercise.

Feedback? See you in Seoul! (Will be there from Sunday evening)

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