Mike and Uditha,

Ok, I see what you guys are saying about the hosts. I moved it one level up 
and now we are getting somewhere. Now, the issue is that it can't run my 
task because it doesn't see the value of my conditional. For example, I 
want my task to run *when: "{{ testserver }}"*. In other words, I want that 
task to run only on the servers in my *testserver *group.

Here is the task/main.yml again:

# tasks file for app_install

- name: Install required nfs packages
 yum: name={{ item }} state=present
 - nfs-utils
 - nfs-utils-lib

- name: Create a temporary mount point for the installation files
 file: path=/tmp/app_install state=directory owner=root group=root mode=0775

- name: Mount the nfs share from nfsshare.domain.tld
 shell: mount -F -t nfs -o vers=3 -v nfsshare.domain.tld:/share/location /

- name: Install app on test systems
 command: /tmp/app_install/apptool_install arg1
 when: ({{ testserver }})

- name: Join test systems to test ou
 shell: /path/to/domainjoin-cli join --notimesync --disable hostname 
          --ou OU=test,OU=UNIX,DC=server,DC=domain,DC=tld server.domain.tld 
 when: ({{ testserver }})

However, it fails with the following error:

Sudo password:

PLAY [install app and join systems to appropriate ou] ******************

TASK [setup] 
ok: [testserver1.domain.tld]

TASK [app_install : Install required nfs packages] *********************
changed: [testserver1.domain.tld] => (item=[u'nfs-utils', u'nfs-utils-lib'])

TASK [app_install : Create a temporary mount point for the installation 
files] ***
changed: [testserver1.domain.tld]

TASK [app_install : Mount the nfs share] *********************
skipping: [testserver1.domain.tld]

TASK [app_install : Install app on test systems] ***************
fatal: [testserver1.domain.tld]: FAILED! => {"failed": true, "msg": "ERROR! 
The conditional check '{{ testserver }}' failed. The error was: ERROR! 
error while evaluating conditional ({{ testserver }}): ERROR! 'testserver' 
is undefined\n\nThe error appears to have been in 
'/git/ansible/projects/app/roles/app_install/tasks/main.yml': line 16, 
column 3, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax 
problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n\n- name: Install app on 
testserver systems\n  ^ here\n"}

testserver1.domain.tld : ok=3    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=1

So on my *when: "{{ testserver }}" *for my tasks/main.yml, how do I have it 
apply the task only when it matches that host group?

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