like I said, since you've put this into a role, "separating this into 
multiple plays would be more complicated", so you're better off not 
splitting it up and instead, doing what you were doing 

copied from your earlier post (with the typo pointed out by Uditha 

In app_install_main.yml:


- name: install app and join systems to domain
  hosts: testservers
  become: yes

  - app_install

  - name: "ansible_sudo_pass"
    prompt: "Sudo password"
    private: yes

It is here where I am calling my hosts: testservers. Then in my 
task/main.yml, I have:

# tasks file for app_install

- name: Install required nfs packages
  yum: name={{ item }} state=present
  - nfs-utils
  - nfs-utils-lib

- name: Create a temporary mount point for the installation files
  file: path=/tmp/app_install state=directory owner=root group=root mode=

- name: Mount the nfs share from nfsshare.domain.tld
  shell: mount -F -t nfs -o vers=3 -v nfsshare.domain.tld:/share/location /

- name: Install app on test systems
  command: /tmp/app_install/apptool_install arg1
  when: "'testservers'in group_names"

- name: Join test systems to test ou
  shell: /path/to/domainjoin-cli join --notimesync --disable hostname
         --ou OU=test,OU=UNIX,DC=server,DC=domain,DC=tld server.domain.tld 
  when: "'testservers' in group_names"

On Tuesday, March 22, 2016 at 4:01:55 PM UTC-4, Gilberto Valentin wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> Thanks for the suggestions. I tried to implement what you mentioned and I 
> ended up breaking everything. I am completely lost with this. I am just 
> going to have to start over at this point. Between sanitizing the data to 
> post here and then trying to translate your suggestions back to what it 
> really is on my end keeps getting more and more complicated. Somewhere 
> along the line, I've lost the translation of what you are suggestion vs how 
> I am actually writing it.

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