Ok, if I change my vars main.yml


# vars file for app_install

test: "{{ testservers }}"


# vars file for app_install

test: "testservers"

...I get the following:

Sudo password:

PLAY [install app and join appropriate ou] ******************

TASK [setup] 
ok: [testserver1.domain.tld]

testserver1.domain.tld : ok=1    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0

However, it looks like it doesn't run my role at all

On Friday, March 18, 2016 at 8:03:05 AM UTC-4, Gilberto Valentin wrote:
> Hi Arthur,
> Actually, I do have my app_install as a sub directory under roles. It's 
> just that initially I only pasted everything within roles and only showing 
> you that. Here's a better view:
> ~/git/ansible/roles$ tree
> .
> └── project1
>     ├── server_hosts
>     ├── app_install
>     │   ├── README.md
>     │   ├── defaults
>     │   │   └── main.yml
>     │   ├── files
>     │   ├── handlers
>     │   │   └── main.yml
>     │   ├── meta
>     │   │   └── main.yml
>     │   ├── tasks
>     │   │   └── app_install_task.yml
>     │   ├── templates
>     │   ├── tests
>     │   │   ├── inventory
>     │   │   └── test.yml
>     │   └── vars
>     │       └── main.yml
>     ├── app_install_main.yml
> On Thursday, March 17, 2016 at 10:37:01 PM UTC-4, Arthur Reyes wrote:
>> It looks like your directory structure isn't quite right. app_install 
>> should be a sub directory under roles, which might explain why your 
>> playbook never finds vars/main.yml.

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