I'm opposed to this for one main reason: it forces me to study and learn
XSLT just do to something trivial like "foreach".

Brett Knights wrote:
> Consider this:
> <taskTransformer> <!-- as it's not just a for-each (name suggestions gratefully 
>   <elements row-elem-name="file"> <!-- this will become the xml source that will be 
>passed to the stylesheet -->
>     <fileSet .../>
>   </elements>
>   <taskStyle>
>   <!-- everything in here is treated as a template that would normally be defined as 
><xsl:template match="/" -->
>     <xsl:for-each select="file">
>       <touch file="{ant:full-path(.)}"/> <!-- anticipating some ant specific 
>extensions. The example could use file="." -->
>     </xsl:for-each>
>   </taskStyle>
>   <templates>
>   ... <!-- optional section if further templates are required -->
>   </templates>
> </taskTransformer>
> It's not a great deal different than each of us writing a scripted task when we want 
>to run over a set of files except:
>  - we can still use fileSets rather than relying on our scripting language's file 
>system access routines.
>  - any task could be used in a for-each mode without modification
>  - what is produced is used as though the fully transformed version had appeared in 
>the original build.xml
>  - the full power of xslt is available should it be needed. (and is there to bite 
>you ...)
> The task would assemble the included elements into a stylesheet that would import a 
>standard stylesheet (therefore any xsl:
> directives in the build.xml would override the standards).
> One nice thing about the xslt route is that xslt is already fully documented. :-)
> There is enough work here that I won't just code it up, submit it, and see if it 
>makes it. If this seems viable to others and  has a
> chance of making it into official Ant I'll take on developing it though. (At which 
>time I guess further discussions would go on the
> Ant-Developer's list)
> ***********************************************************
> Brett Knights                             250-338-3509 work
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]                 250-334-8309 home
> ***********************************************************

Larry V. Streepy, Jr.
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